Update: Guild Dogs and Infinigrad (the Guild Dog setting) has grown considerably since this post, check out everything (including major updates to the Guild Dogs character class) here: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2019/08/the-collected-infinigrad-and-guild-dogs.html
The City is a setting born of my fever dream conglomeration of Ravnica, Lankhmar, Sigil and New Crobuzon. The setting is coupled with my personal preferences to run Shadowrun-like mission based sessions (here's a job board, just pick a job and finish it, you will get some XP and Gold) in a Lawful Evil world (more details on that here). The idea has languished , unused and unplayed , in my mind for a few years (although, +Karl Stjernberg did make a very nice set of rule and tables for playing it). After picking up The Black Hack, it struck me that the system would work nicely for running Guild Dogs.
Every player in the party plays a Guild Dog, but the process of rolling up a Guild Dog is very randomized resulting in a diverse, wild group of weirdos. Players current Guild Dog character needs to die before they can roll up a new one.
Mike Mignola |
Guild Dog Character Class for The Black Hack:
"The Law is a curse that prevents any of The Guilds directly raising arms against one another within The City.
The Guilds still hate each other though. And even though they have weapons in their arsenals that could implode whole galaxies they can't use them against each other. Instead they're forced to use the scum that sit even lower than The Cities lowest underclass. That transient, gold-hungry class of outcasts the rest of The City looks down on. The Adventurers.
Only The Adventurers, those vagabonds who exist outside the normal strata of The City's social spheres, and its infinite network of shady alliances, can truly claim non-affiliation with any of The Guilds. Only they can keep the century long conflict going.
That's you. You're the deniable trash The Guilds use as their deadly puppets against one another. You are a Guild Dog."
(Text from here).
( +Dave Sealy has put the following class on a much easier to follow, much nicer looking PDF right here).
Guild Dog Character Creation:
Players roll to randomly determine the following core abilities:
Players have a d4, d6, d8 and a d10 to allocate to each table. For example:
The then roll on the following four core ability tables using the dice allocated to determine the value of that core ability.
Before rolling: Players can “burn” all their dice down to a d4 to be automatically granted an especially strong result in one of the core abilities (listed below).
Core Abilities:
Starting HP, HP per Level/Resting: All characters start with 4 hp + their HP die.
Players may “burn” all their core ability dice down to a d4 to have their HP die be d12.
1-4: d4
5-6: d6
7-8: d8
9-10: d10
Armour Training:
Players may “burn” all their core ability dice down to a d4 to have training in Heavy armour and shields plus a natural + 4 to armour.
1: Light
2: Medium
3: Light and shields
4: Medium and shields
5-6: Heavy and shields
Attack Damage.
All weapons are available to all Guild Dogs, but their damage is dependant on the following table.
Players may “burn” all their core ability dice down to a d4 to have their damage be: 1d12/1d10
1 -3: 1d4/1 (+1 To Hit every 3rd level [If using AC based combat]).
4 - 5: 1d6/1d4 (+1 To Hit every 2nd level [If using AC based combat])
6 - 7: 1d8/1d6 (+1 To Hit every level [If using AC based combat])
8 - 10: 1d10/1d8 (+1 To Hit every level [If using AC based combat])
Character Special Features.
Roll to determine how many randomly allocated special features character receives from each category.
Players may “burn” all their core ability dice down to a d4 to manually pick their special features from each category rather than have them randomly allocated. They are able to roll a d8 rather than a d4 on the Character Special features table below.
C = Category, ie: C1 = Category 1.
1: C1: 1.
2: C1: 1, C2:1.
3: C1: 1, C2: 1, C3: 1.
4: C1: 1, C2: 1 C4:1.
5 - 6: C1: 2, C2: 2, C3: 1.
7: C1: 2, C2: 2, C3: 2.
8: C1: 2, C2: 2, C3: 1, C4: 1.
9-10: C1: 2, C2: 2, C3: 2, C4: 1.
See below for Random Special Features tables for each Category.
Leveling up: Players roll twice to see which 2 attributes they get to roll twice for a chance of increase at level up. A player may burn a d6 to a d4 from their core ability dice to select their 2 attributes instead of random allocation. If a player gets the same attribute on both rolls they get to roll on that attribute 4 times for a chance of increase at level up.
Raceoid: Each Guild Dog is allocated a random Raceoid. Raceoids are not too dissimilar to humans with minor changes to appearance and mechanics.
Mike Mignola |
Raceoids: Randomly allocated humanoid races, not too dissimilar to humans. Each Guild Dog must roll on the table below:
Human, pick an extra category 1 special feature.
Scrabman, brown chitinous skin formed into organic plates, carapace gives +1 to Armour.
Whiskered Man, long whiskers on face, feline features, soft fuzz of hair over body, Roll with Advantage when testing DEX for falling damage (or similar catlike feats).
Scaled Man, silver scaled skin, webbed fingers, has gills and can breath under water.
Horned One, goat like features, covered in fur, cloven hooves for feet, horns on head that do 1d6 damage.
Feral, wild eyed, upper torso covering beard, covered in tattoos, hardened claws on hands can scratch for 2d4.
Slobberer, massive blubbery head that fuses with upper torso without a neck, enormous pink mouth housing a 3 foot long tongue that can manipulate object like a prehensile tail.
Twinkler, body made of brittle crystal, speak through telepathic communication.
Freed Golem, determine construction material used and add +1 to Stat of choice to reflect material, creator may attempt to reclaim or destroy you.
Giant, 8 to 12 foot tall, very thickset, exaggerated features and hulking hands and feet, very loud, rumbling voice. +2 to damage, STR and CON. Always Roll with Disadvantage when attempting anything delicate or sneaky.
Black Eyes, huge black eyes, you can see perfectly well in the dark.
Rock Gut, enormous distended belly, skin constantly sweaty and covered in warts, can eat anything for sustenance. Roll with Advantage when testing against harm coming from consumed substances.
Hogman, bristly hair in patches all over body, small tusks (do 1d4 damage), warty and immensely fat, can double their STR for purposes of encumbrance.
Elfin, hypnotizingly beautiful, Roll with Advantage on any CHA test where opponent can see you.
Fairen, 2 foot tall, incredibly slender, sometimes flowers and grass grows on you. Roll with Disadvantage on any test involving STR and CON, and - 4 to all damage. Roll with Double Advantage (roll 3 dice, use the best result) when attempting anything delicate or sneaky.
Demonoid, Red skin, smouldering with heat, fangs and claws (Unarmed damage is same as normal attack damage), Roll with Advantage when testing CHA for any means of intimidation.
Apeish, furry, long limbed, hand-like feet (tested at half DEX or STR) and leathery skin. Roll with Advantage when testing DEX for climbing related feats.
Cacti, thickset, green plant man, covered in thorns (1d4 damage), no need for food but must see the sun for 6 hours every 4 days or drop unconscious, knocked Out of Action (regain consciousness and roll on table when sunlight next touches your skin). May regrow lost limbs after 1d6 continuous days of rest in the sun.
Angelic, annoyingly good looking, with contemptuous features that enrage most that look upon you, small wings that allow you to jump/glide to a range of nearby.
Leatherman, brown, tough, incredibly wrinkled and aged skin. This gives you the Armour Points of leather when naked and adds + 2 armour points to any worn armour. Your facial orifices and features are also nearly covered by flaps of leathery skin, allowing you to Roll with Advantage on tests that would benefit from this.
Guild Dog Progression: As they level up Guild Dogs recieve the following:
Level 4: Roll a d4, gain a random special feature from the category number you rolled. If you gain a Category 4 spell casting ability you cast spells as a level 1, and level up your spellcasting level with your normal level. Ie: at level 6 you would cast at level 2.
Level 6: Increase your Damage or Hit Points dice by 1.
Level 8: Roll a d4, gain a random special feature from the category number you rolled. If you gain a Category 4 spell casting ability you cast spells as a level 1, and level up your spellcasting level with your normal level. Ie: at level 6 you would cast at level 2.
Level 10: Increase your Damage or Hit Points dice by 1.
Ravnica |
Random Tables of Special Features:
Category 1:
Sunder Shield, if this Guild Dog fails a STR or DEX test and would be dealt damage from an attack, they can opt to sunder (destroy) their shield - if they have one equipped - and ignore the damage (The Guild Dog gains the ability to use shields if they did not already).
Nimble, Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to avoid damage or effects from traps and magical Devices.
Venom Immune, Roll with Advantage when testing CON to avoid damage from poison or being paralyzed.
Solid Aura, Roll with Advantage when testing INT to avoid damage or effects from spells or magical devices.
Insightful, Roll with Advantage when testing WIS to search for something hidden, or when someone is attempting to deceive or otherwise beguile this Guild Dog.
Apprentice Poisoner, basic knowledge of poisons allows this Guild Dog to extract mild (non life threatening) poisons from organic matter. The poison’s effect is reflective of the organic matter used and agreed upon with the GM (damage of poison should reflect Guild Dog’s Attack Damage). It takes 1d6 hours to prepare a vial of poison with 1d6 uses and requires access to basic alchemical tools. Use a d4 usage die to see if all of the organic matter is exhausted in the poison making process.
Fleet Footed, Roll with Advantage when testing DEX for initiative. If the Guild Dog succeeds they will act before any other characters passing the DEX initiative test.
Resourceful, Usage die are only downgraded or expended on a roll of a 1.
Faceless, this Guild Dog’s face is so bland and boring that most forget its features instantaneously after looking away from it. (Effects “Heat Die” - Coming Soon).
Double Jointed, Roll with Advantage when testing DEX to escape confined spaces, cages, personal restraints or any other form of bodily incarceration.
Terrifying, Roll with Advantage when testing CHA to scare, threaten, menace or otherwise intimidate others.
Mutation resistant, Roll with Advantage when rolling on the Augmentation Result table.
Category 2:
Second Wind, once per hour, whilst in combat, this Guild Dog can regain d8 lost HP.
Banish, this Guild Dog can spend an action to banish all nearby (insert indicted species here - determined by ideology of Guild Dog) by testing their WIS and adding the creature's HD to the roll. (Guild Dog has to pick/generate a deity/concept/philosophy to worship/enshrine).
Thieving, Rolls with Advantage when performing delicate tasks, climbing, hearing sounds, moving silently, understanding written languages and opening Locks.
Flesh Mask Hedge Magic, once per day this Guild Dog can change their face to that of someone’s whose face they have a mask of. To create a mask the Guild Dog must delicately flay the skin from a face (DEX test) then spend 1d6 hours treating and crafting it. The cost of the alchemical reagents required for the process vary about The City. Alchemical tools and a relatively flat work surface are needed for the process (but not a full workshop). The mask magic lasts until the Guild Dog removes it.
Distractionary Hedge Magic, this Guild Dog can psychokinetically manipulate objects Nearby to them. They may attempt to do this as many times as their level a day. A successful manipulation requires a WIS test. Guild Dogs with this ability may only manipulate things they could otherwise with their hands (do a STR test if unsure).
Ambidextrous, this Guild Dog is astonishingly equally strong in the use of both hands. Roll with Advantage on appropriate tests and wield two one-handed weapons at once (both requires separate attack rolls).
Poultice Lore, this Guild Dog may take one hour to prepare 1d6 healing poultices that have an effective life span of 24 hours. Each poultice heals 1d6 + Guild Dog level Hit Points but require a WIS test to be applied successful. The cost of the alchemical reagents required for the process vary about The City. Alchemical tools and a relatively flat work surface are also needed (but not a full workshop). Use a d4 usage die to see if all poultice materials are exhausted in the poultice making process.
Master Poisoner, advanced knowledge of poisons allows this Guild Dog to extract mild (non life threatening) and severe (life threatening) poisons from organic matter. The poison’s effect is reflective of the organic matter used and agreed upon with the GM (damage of poison should reflect Guild Dog’s Attack Damage and lethality tested against the Guild Dog’s WIS or IN with consideration of the Powerful Opponents rule). It takes 1d6 hours to prepare a vial of poison with 1d6 uses and requires access to basic alchemical tools. Use a d4 usage die to see if all of the organic matter is exhausted in the poison making process.
Creative Brawler, this Guild Dog rolls 1 dice higher than their normal weapon damage when using improvised weaponry. Ie: If the Guild Dog’s attack damage was 1d8/1d6, their improvised damage would now be 1d10. Improvised weaponry may break after each attack attempt, use the usage die to check (a 1-2 on a d4).
Crack Shot, this Guild Dog Rolls with Advantage when testing DEX for all ranged attacks.
Gas Sacks, this Guild Dog can release a cloud of poisonous gas that damages everything Nearby the Guild Dog for their attack damage (victims must be have respiratory system for the damage to be incurred).The gas sacks take time to refill and may be expulsed as many times a day as half the Guild Dog’s level (with a minimum of once per day)
Astral Traveller, this Guild Dog can separate their consciousness from their body and travel to a maximum distance of Far-Away. The Astral Plane is confusing, bewildering and sometimes dangerous. This Guild Dog can determine their levels worth of dot points of information about a specific physical-world area (room, desk, building, etc) while studying it on the astral plane. This requires a successful WIS test. This Guild Dog may Astral project as many times a day as half their level (with a minimum of once per day).
Aura Vision, this Guild Dog can determine the general alignment of any sentient being by studying its aura. This may be done Guild Dog level times a day.
Shadowcraft, this Guild Dog can manipulate shadows. The size of the manipulation possible is equal to two times the Guild Dog’s level in square feet. The Guild Dog may do this as many times a day as half their level rounded down (with a minimum of once per day).
Aural Rambunction Hedge Magic, This Guild Dog is able to recreate sounds they have heard, and project them as if they were emitting from elsewhere. The loudness of the sounds is dependant on the Guild Dogs own vocal chords. After hearing a sound the Guild Dog must make a WIS test to see if they remember it. The Guild Dog may remember two times their level different sounds for re-creation. Once a sound is remembered it cannot be forgotten. The Guild Dog can project their sounds at the following ranges; Level 1 - 2: Close, Level 3 - 8: Nearby, Level 9 + : Far Away. This may be done the Guild Dog’s level times per day.
Indomitable, this Guild Dog may drop below 0 Hit Points and continue to fight. They may drop to a quarter of their Hit Points below 0 and not be knocked Out of Action. As soon as they stop fighting (and the adrenaline stops pumping) the Guild Dog collapses, Out of Action.
Executioner, this Guild Dog does not add +2 to its STR test when making an attack roll (as per Two Handed Weapons rule in The Black Hack) and now adds +4 to Two Handed Weapon damage.
Sulking Murderer, after observing a target unnoticed for a moment and passing a WIS test, this Guild Dog Rolls with Advantage when attacking previously observed unknowing target, dealing 2d6 / 2d4 + the Guild Dog’s level damage.
Vodyanoy Melding Hedge Magic, this Guild Dog is able to levitate, shape and transport a mass of water. The size of the water mass manageable by the Guild Dog is as follows: Level 1 - 3: a mass the size of the Guild Dog, level 4 - 8: a mass the size of double the Guild Dog, level 9+: a mass quadruple the size of the Guild Dog.
Olfactofcation, this Guild Dog is able to produce a fist sized blob of gelatinous viscera from their mouths through a process of heavy gagging, belching and chewing. This blob has an overwhelming aroma predetermined by the Guild Dog.This may be done as many times a day as half their level rounded down (with a minimum of once per day).The aroma can be anything the Guild Dog has smelt before (very specific scents may require a WIS test to replicate). The intense aroma of the pervades an area of the following size; Level 1 - 2: Close, Level 3 - 8: Nearby, Level 9 + : Far Away. The Guild Dog’s teeth are black and the bottom jaw to the upper torso is covered in layers of heavy black chitin. ,
Category 3:
Combat Monster, As part of their action this Guild Dog can make 1 attack per level.
Backstab, Rolls with Advantage when attacking from behind and deals 2d6 / 2d4 + the Guild Dog’s level damage.
Mountebank’s Whispered Hedge Magic, the Guild Dog may attempt the following spells on a target by whispering in their ear. They may attempt this as many times a day as half their level rounded down (with a minimum of once per day);Charm Person (lasts 12 hours), Hypnotic suggestion (1 non-suicidal action), Enrage (target attacks anything it sees until dead or unconscious), Inebriate (stagger in a d4: 1 - 2: happy daze, 3 - 4: Mad daze, for 6 hours). (Remember “Powerful Opponents” rule).
Glue Paws, Guild Dog has glands producing a sticky secretion in the hands and feet, making the scaling of sheer surfaces possible. This makes climbing most surfaces as easy as walking, but certain situations may require a DEX test as deemed appropriate by the GM (in most precarious situations the Guild Dog would Roll with Advantage on climbing tests).
Mystically Beguiling, Roll with Double Advantage (roll 3 d20’s and use the best result) when testing CHA in social interactions (remember “Powerful Opponents” rule).
Hera’s Bellowing Hedge Magic, Once per day per level this Guild Dog may do a CHA test against a target to induce an overwhelming sensation of a specific emotion for 12 hours in that target. The name of the emotion must be shouted into the target’s ear.
Shadow Cloak, this Guild Dog can envelop their body in shadows, making them near invisible when in darkened places. The shadow cloak lasts for 1 hour. Each time the shadow cloak is summoned in a day there is an additional 5% chance the Guild Dog’s shadow will leave its owner next time it sleeps. This 5% chance stacks each time the shadow cloak is summoned in a day, but resets after sleeping.
Masochist, the more damage this Guild Dog takes, the better it fights. When at half health + 2 damage, when at a quarter health + 4 damage, when at 1 Hit Point +6 to damage.
Fearless, this Guild Dog slightly negates the “powerful opponent” rule. This Guild Dog adds +1 to every 2 HD above its level when determining the outcome of a conflict between them and an NPC.
Unbreakable, when this Guild Dog is reduced to zero Hit Points and taken Out of Action, they roll a d10 instead of a d6 when they are out of danger and attempt to recover. 1 - 5: KO’d, 6: Fat Head, 7: Cracked Bones, 8: Crippled, 9: Disfigured, 0: Dead. OR:Roll with Double Advantage on death CON tests (For Guild Dogs death house rules purposes).
Deadly, this Guild Dog does double damage when rolling 1, 2 or 3 on an attack roll.
Lethal, when scoring a successful attack roll on a target whose HD is half or less the Guild Dog’s level, it dies instantly rather than taking damage.
Small Man’s Syndrome, this Guild Dog does more damage to targets that are bigger than itself. Any target bigger than the Guild Dog receives +2 damage and any target double the size or larger than the Guild Dog receives +4 damage.
Elemental Burst Hedge Magic, this Guild Dog can summon a throwable globe of elemental power their level times a day. The element is of the Guild Dog’s choice, but must be an element they have taken at least 1 Hit Point of damage from. The elemental globe does the Guild Dog’s Attack Damage die in damage to all targets Nearby to the globe once thrown (like a grenade). The Guild Dog must pass a DEX test to ensure the globe lands where it was intended.
Wyrdling Hedge Magic, this Guild Dog can inherit the special abilities of its defeated foes. The Guild Dog must sleep in the corpse of the target it wishes to inherit the ability from for at least 6 hours. The GM will then notify the Guild Dog what special power it has gained. This process will warp the Guild Dog’s body to reflect the new power gained. The more power this Guild Dog has the more bizarre and mutated they will appear (consider an impact on CHA). The amount and type of abilities this Guild Dog can inherit is reflected in the Daily Conjurer Spells table. The “spell slots per level” value is now “HD of target ability”. Now the numbers in the table reflect the amount of abilities a Guild Dog can inherit from specific HD targets per level. For example, a level 2 Guild Dog could inherit 2 abilities from HD 1 creatures and a level 5 Guild Dog could inherit 4 abilities from a HD 1 target, 3 from a HD 2 target and 1 from a HD 3 target. Once an ability has been inherited it cannot be forgotten/removed.
Thoros’s Bladed Hedge Magic, with an hours preparation this Guild Dog can change their wielded blade to erupt with the power of a specific element. The element is of the Guild Dog’s choice, but must be an element they have taken at least 1 Hit Point of damage from. The effect fades after 12 hours, and the elemental effect cannot be changed in this time, nor a new effect applied to a different blade.This effect also adds damage to the blade equal to 1 + half the Guild Dog’s level rounded down.
Bripaula’s Double Hedge Magic, this Guild Dog can summon a twin of themselves. The twin’s Stats are half the Guild Dogs rounded up. Ie, if the Guild Dog had a STR of 16, the twin would have STR of 8. The Guild Dog is in complete control of the twin, apart from the twin saying whatever the Guild Dog is saying at the exact same time the Guild Dog is saying it (regardless of the twin’s location). If the twin dies the Guild Dog loses half their current Hit Points and 1+their level Hit Points from their total Hit Points (until the next time they level up). It takes 1 day to resummon a twin. At level 4 the Guild Dog can summon 2 twins. At level 8 the Stats of the twins is equal to 3 quarters of the Guild Dogs rounded up. At level 10 the Guild Dog can summon 3 twins.
Blood Link Hedge Magic, after a blood sharing ritual which takes 1 hour, this Guild Dog shares a Hit Point pool with their target. Both sets of Hit Points are added together and the two participants of the ritual share the total. When either participant takes damage it is taken from the total Hit Points pool. When the pool drops below 0 Hit Points, the Guild Dog rolls on the Out of Action table. On a result of 2+ the effect (Fat Head, Cracked Bones, Crippled, Disfigured, Dead) is given to the other participant in the ritual and the Guild Dog only receives a Fat Head. At level 4 the Guild Dog can transfer 2 points of any 2 Stats from one participant in the ritual to another. At level 8 the Guild Dog can have 2 participants in the Ritual (allowing a shared Hit Point pool of all three and allowing 1 participant to receive 2 points of 2 Stats from 2 of the other participants). The possibility of blood borne ailments is to be considered by the GM during this rituals.
Animal empath, Roll with Advantage for any CHA tests involving the handling of animals. A WIST test will allow the Guild Dog to clearly understand the intentions of an animal and comminate their own desires to that animal. This Guild Dog Can have their levels worth in animal compans at one time. The HD of the animal companions is limited by the level of the Guild Dog. The GM can determine the Stats of the animal companions as and when appropriate.
Golem Smith, this Guild Dog may create loyal golems. The process takes 1 day and requires access to a laboratory. The powers of the golem will reflect the material used to create them (GM to be the final arbiter of these powers). The amount of golems the Guild Dog can create is equal to half their level rounded down (with a minimum of 1). The Stats of the golem is determined by the Guild Dog level; 1 - 3: 1d6, 4 - 5: 2d6, 6 - 8: 3d6, 9+: 4d6 drop the lowest.
Category 4:
Arcane Spellcasting, This Guild Dog can cast a number of Arcane Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section.
Divine Spellcasting, Beginning at second level, this Guild Dog can cast a number of Divine Spells per day, see the Spellcasting section. (Guild Dog has to pick/generate a deity/concept/philosophy to worship/enshrine).
City Spellcasting, Stone and Steel, (doors, walls, bricks, portals, stealth and guile). Coming Soon!
The Mossen Craft, (druid magic). Coming Soon! (Or just use Ad&d Druid spells)
Elde Spellcasting, (wyrd old spells). Coming Soon!
Bodification Spellcasting, (body manipulation/control spells). Coming Soon!
Ravnica |