Monday 2 September 2024

Low is good Attribute Scores for roll high Attribute Tests!

I love attribute tests - but I don't like people who are new to d&d getting confused about combat rolls being roll high and attribute tests being roll low. Here's a solution. 

Low is Good Attributes: 

Your character has 6 attributes. You want these as low as possible! 

To determine a score for each roll 3d6 and minus the result from 22. 

  • Weakness – to test if your physical strength fails you. 
  • Clumsiness – to test if your physical dexterity fails you. 
  • Frailty – to test if your physical constitution fails you. 
  • Ignorance – to test if your wisdom and knowledge fails you. 
  • Stupidity – to test if your intelligence and wits fails you. 
  • Repulsiveness – to test if your charisma and charm fails you. 

To Test: Roll a d20. Success = Roll equal to or above your attribute score (plus/minus modifiers as required).


  1. This would also be good reframing for a horror-y or gritty game, where you don't want the characters to feel like superheroes

    1. good idea. It does change the vibe of the character sheet.
