Sunday, 14 May 2017

Making a Dungeon, Part 3

I found a biology diagram and plan to turn it into a dungeon. I am going to document the process of turning the original diagram into a runnable/playable PDF and possibly/hopefully create a guide of sorts as I go. 

Part 2. 

Step 3: To do lists.

Broad, sweeping ideas for each dungeon zone were generated in Step 2. Now specifics must be written. Normally to stock dungeons for an ongoing campaign drawn out in a notebook, I'll used a slightly modified version of the Ad&d dungeon stocking d20 table. I'll jot down a T (for treasure), Trap, M (for monster) and NPC as the result comes up for each room. Once I work out what I need I'll generate some more ideas and write up the needed Treasure/Traps/Monsters and NPCS.

For this dungeon I want to write up Treasure/Traps/Monsters and NPCs for each zone before stocking the dungeon. As such I need a "To Do" list of all the stuff I need to write.

Luckily, a fantastic dungeon checklist exists here: 

So, what do I need?

As listed in the Goblin Punch checklist, I need: Treasure, Monsters/Foes, Traps, NPCs and Interesting stuff (what is interesting stuff? Stuff that isn't necessarily a trap but is above and beyond simple "dressing" - stuff that can be "interacted with" in the Goblin Punch parlance).

Additionally it would be great to have a thing that could generate fresh, interesting events inside of the dungeon (something to freshen it up on each visit and avoid it feelings static). Luckily, that also exists. From Dndwithpornstars: .

Basically, for each entity or group, you create a d20 of stuff that is implied by that entity/group. You roll on two tables and combine the results. Your brain should be able to smash the two concepts together/fill in the gaps and come up with something interesting. An "Entity table" for each zone would be nice to generate interesting quests and conflicts between the different groups in the dungeon.

Other things that I think the dungeon needs are: Doors, Rumors, Mundane Dressings and Hooks/Quests.

Further, things that I need to consider/write are: The area surrounding the dungeon (Random encounter table/scene generator/description/map), A stocking/re-stocking table, Overall description of the dungeon, Overall description of each zone and a guide on running the dungeon/any specific rules it needs. 

I feel like I've covered everything, but I'm sure more things will come up as I progress with the creation of the dungeon. This to do list seems like a good start though! The to do list will follow, broken down into an "overall dungeon" to do list, plus specific to do lists for each zone.

Overall dungeon to do list:

The area surrounding the dungeon (Random encounter table/scene generator/description/map).
A stocking/re-stocking table.
Overall description of the dungeon.
Overall description of each zone
Guide on running the dungeon/any specific rules it needs. 

The Church of Nephgantia's Bondage (The name for the whole complex): 

Magic affect table (Weird stuff should happen on each visit). 

Tazeem's Old Natural Bathhouse:

Entity Table
Mundane dressings.
Interesting Stuff. 

The Silent Walkway:

Entity Table
Mundane dressings.
Interesting Stuff. 

The Bloody Bank:

Entity Table
Mundane dressings.
Interesting Stuff. 

Saheeli's Scintillating Cathedral:

Entity Table
Mundane dressings.

Interesting Stuff. 

To Be Continued...

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