Berserker |
Wild eyed, tattooed and scarification, naked, bone swords and axes, boiling with animosity".
The King |
Horn crown, corpulent, ever seated, naked, beclaw handed, spike fingered, droop eyed, slobbering, ever eating".
Kingsman |
"Grim, grunting, stone/bone shields and spears, well muscled, neat loin cloth, milky pale eyed, roar prone, undying loyalty to king".
Mutant |
"Two ed, one head dead/mad/diseased, gnarled clubs and rocks, rotting body, boils, claw handed, limping, crazed, cowed by other giants, intense stupidity, inbred".
Pygmies |
Pygmy Slave: "Diffident, scared, mopey, ragged and sick. Will only attack adventurers when commanded to by giants".
Pygmy Shaman: pygmies when giants absent, burlap cloaked, crude fetishes and effigies, minor healing and divination magic, strong willed and crafty".
Horned Ratdog |
"Pink and hairless, red eyed, curved horns, some quills and spines, slavering, foul tempered, rabid".
Seer |
"Female, blind, claw handed and footed, decorative and elaborate bone dressings, skin cloak, horns, intense powers of divination, distracted by visions, signs omens". ("elaborate bone dressings" is a typo I picked up after submission. I'm not sure what word I was actually intending to use but I now believe it's "canon" that the Seers wrap cloth interlaced with bone around various parts of their bodies.)