Update: Get an expanded/able to use offline/complete version of this automated city toolkit here:
Overall Suburb Details:
Suburb Mapping:
Roll on the second table to get a building that can shape the borders of the suburb.
Table 1, Roads:
Generate the road grid of the suburb. Roll on the table and connect the pieces you get as you see fit. Add your own artistic flourishes.
Table 2, Buildings:
Fill in the blocks you created with the road table with buildings. The doors are a suggestion only, buildings could have more doors/doors on different walls. Combine separate buildings into bigger buildings for high-density areas.
Building Stocking:
Additional Suburb Stocking Details Generators:
Resident Generator:
Merchant Generator:
Items for Stores, Workshop, Trading, etc:
Minor Magical Item Generator:
Ornamentation Generator:
Mental Pursuit Generator:
Entertainment Generator:
Gang Generator:
Order Keeper Generator
Temple Generator:
Temple Generator:
The god of this temple appears as a
Monster Generator:
Augmentation Generator:
Additional Links:
Monster Generator:
Dungeon Generator:
Trap Generator:
Utility Building Generator:
Trap Generator:
Utility Building Generator:
Update: Simple Guild and Augmentation Generation can be found below, more detailed versions of these generators can be found in the links at the bottom of the post (Also, unfortunately with the new Blogger update I can't get the buttons to have the same spacing as the earlier generator buttons!)
Guild Generator:
Augmentation Generator:
Additional Links:
For buildings stocked with Guilds, please either buy The Blasphemous Roster - Guilds of Infinigrad and their Machinations or use this post: http://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2017/06/the-guild-dogs-guild-generator.html
For buildings stock with Augmentation stores, please use this post: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/10/automated-fantasypunk-augmentation.html
(Automated using: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/09/automatic-list-to-html-translator.html)
For buildings stock with Augmentation stores, please use this post: https://lizardmandiaries.blogspot.com/2018/10/automated-fantasypunk-augmentation.html
(Automated using: http://meanderingbanter.blogspot.com/2018/09/automatic-list-to-html-translator.html)