Friday 29 December 2017

Four Gods of The City, manifested in Augmentations and Mutations

The City roils over a corrupted and mutated plane of intersecting multiverses, a situation brought on by wanton abuse of magically weaponry during the Guild Wars. As such, it is a place home to a multitude of Gods, too vast to catalog. The most archetypal of holy beings do manifest in a somewhat systematic way, allowing their influence to be felt in both the weird warpings known as mutations, and the induced body reconfiguration known as augmentation. Here are four such beings. Their imminence and venerability put them above base description but their manifestations are removed enough from their holy power to allow documentation. 

The White Worm:

Augmentations, Sacraments of the Worm King, d4:

1) Legs: Fat snake sized worm installed between skin and muscle, glows brightly. Food requirements doubled but can cast Cure Light Wounds once per day.

2) Arms: Golden ouroboros tattooed to palms, can be ignited/dimmed at will to provide illumination as Light spell.  

3) Torso: Plump pale and pulsing fist sized larval growths, receptors of empathy from Nearby beings, +1 CHA .

4) Head: Wreath of writhing worms fused to head, allows the command of two extra hirelings who have undying loyalty and no morale checks.

Mutations, Host of the Golden Worm, d4:

1) Legs: Veins glow white beneath the skin, always know the direction of the closest lawful place of worship.

2) Arms: White faint glowing worms writhing beneath skin, one per day can transfer 1d6 HP to target.

3) Torso: Stomach bulges, grows and is wrapped in a chitinous golden sworl, it thrums and beats harmoniously. Test CHA whenever a  HD1 beasts is Nearby. If successful it is calmed and quietened.

4) Head: Faint glowing halo hovers above head, those of lawful persuasion will find you more agreeable, those chaotic less so.

The Unifying Pattern:

Augmentations, Order Bringer Patterned Couplings, d4:
1) Legs: Intricate geometric plates of metal seared to feet. May walk on air with successful WIS test Rolled at Disadvantage. Can no longer move silently.
2) Arms: White chains bolted into joints of arms, running to hand and shoulder. Roll with Advantage when attacking beings of chaos, Roll with Disadvantage when attacking neutral or lawful beings.
3) Torso: Barrell like plating of alkalizing minerals bolted around stomach. Can cancel the casting of a target’s spell once per day with a successful CON test via round long spell eating ritual.
4) Head:A perfectly geometric unihorn sprouts from forehead. Bearers of the geometric unihorn can share thoughts. Those that share the same design of unihorn Roll with Advantage when testing actions done in unison.

Mutations, Holy Rhythm Orderings, d4:
1) Legs: Feet contorted into geometric holy symbols, can walk on water but -d4 DEX.
2) Arms: Fresh birthmark like geometric pattern form on flesh daily. Interpreting these has given insight into the future, but stunted other academic pursuits. -1 INT, can re-roll one dice roll a day.
3) Torso: A rhythmic thrum surges through body when standing Close to Chaotic entities.
4) Head: Features have perfect symmetry, + 1 CHA. This aesthetic perfection makes your face much more memorable.

Cranikax The Glowing:

Augmentations, Orbs of the Enlightened, d4:
1) Legs: A line of small, dull glowing auxiliary external brains installed along leg, +1 INT.
2) Arms: Golden, hive like growths on palm of hands produce glowing goopious substance that can be applied to objects once per day, allowing object to illuminate to a distance of Nearby for d6 hours.
3) Torso: Network of fleshy brain nodules installed over body, give receiver a sixth sense for incoming danger and boosted mind power,+1 INT and WIS, the delicate nature of the modules means a greater susceptibility to pain, - d6 HP .
4) Head: Eyes replaced with bulging glowing brain-like globes. Allows perfect vision in all light conditions and Roll with Advantage on all visual based tests. Visually, this augmentation is relatively affronting, -1 CHA.

Mutations, Growths of Cranikax, d4:
1) Legs: Bulbous thighs swollen with growth of additional brain. +1 INT, -1 DEX. Can survive without head, if removed (and nutrition provided).
2) Arms: Appendages atrophy into puny pink tentacles. Arm based STR tests and attacks Rolled with Disadvantage. Can use tentacles to  read the mind of a target via touch and INT test.
3) Torso: Glowing brain like growths cluster and bulge, producing illumination as a lantern if uncovered.
4) Head: Brain bulges expanding skull and cranium. Decreased balance and increased tottering, +1 INT, - 2 DEX.

Lord of The Flesh Lotus:

Augmentations, Flowers of the Awakened One, d4:
1) Legs: Pink fleshular flowers daily sprout along leg.  If leg bare, once per day can release pollen based sleep spell, test CON, if failure caster also falls asleep.
2) Arms: Puckered anemone’s grown from fingers, release calming magic on touch. Can be used once per day per level. Those touched by calming anemones re-roll reaction roll twice, and use the “calmest” result.
3) Torso: Soft flesh flap covering pink spongy mass growing on ribs, releases calming gas once per day that causes all Nearby to Roll with Disadvantage for d10 rounds.
4) Head: Pink cluster papules behind ears, once per day inundate Nearby target with gas, test CHA if successful target obeys all commands for 1 day.

Mutations, Birth Scents of the Flower Lord, d4:
1) Legs: Sweet smelling flower petal like plates cover flesh. +1 AC, can never run. Petals shed once a week and can be used as Fresh Rations.
2) Arms: Pink flesh loti ever bloom on skin. Emit calming scent, Roll Reactions checks with Advantage. May never raise arms in anger (cannot be used to attack).
3) Torso:  Enormous sweet smelling flesh lotus lives on belly, ever opening and closing. +4 CHA and total pacificity (lose the ability to attack, physically, mentally or magically).   
4) Head: Fleshy petals encase visage. Once per day a sentence length thought can be sent via pollen spore olfactory communication (Test CHA to check if message is interpreted correctly). Mind scent ever billows from petals making lying difficult (Roll with Disadvantage when attempting any sort of interpersonal subterfuge).