Monday 23 January 2023

Solo Kingdom Chronicler

 This has probably been done a few times before - but here is my spin on it! 

I've been writing a lot of "Kingdom" tables recently and while listening to a recent Dan Carling podcast on vikings, the idea of recording a list of important things that happened over time to a place might be a cool little world building solo activity! 

Kingdom Thing Generators: While your chronicles will focus on a single place, having a few generators representing other important places that may have an impact on your kingdom will be useful. You want your generators to give you ideas, so you can make them however you want, but this is what I suggest: 

  • "Thing" list - Key stuff in that place in the world. Things like: Buildings, Animal, Professions, Physical objects - natural and manmade. Get as many as you can but I've been working with 30 recently. 
  • "Descriptor" list - Key ideas/vibes/atmosphere associated with this place in the world. Will be used to warp/give more detail to the base thing. Descriptors like: Natural objects, Weather, Atmosphere, Animal parts , Body parts , Powers, Materials, Colours, Architecture, Design, Actions, Abilities. Mine have 80 entries. 
  • Once you have both lists, roll on each and combine to get a thing from that kingdom. Roll on one or two of the tables twice and combine to get a more complicated thing! 

1. Generate a  focus place/kingdom/country/etc! 

  • Use your Kingdom Thing Generator for the area you area of the world you are going to chronicle to jot down a couple of general ideas about the place, its general vibe and geography. This will probably change over the course of your chronicles regardless. 

2. Make a world list. 

  • Make a list of all the places that you have Kingdom Thing Generators for. You will be rolling on this list every year in your chronicle to determine where the major event of the year stems from, so you may want to play with the number of entries (maybe the focus kingdom is on the list several times, or a kingdom that is particularly aggressive may be on there a few times as well).
3. Start the chronicle! 

  • For each year (or month, or decade - how ever you want to do it), roll on the "world list". The entry you get is where the most important event for that period of time in your chronicle will stem from (an invasion, a disease, a revolution, a trade deal, etc). You then simply use your pre made "Kingdom Thing Generators" to generate an idea of what happened - then you recrord the event in the annals of history! You may like to have more than one major event take place in a time period - that is up to you! 
4. Finish the chronicle when you see fit!
  • Maybe you feel content with the history you have generated - or perhaps want to start playing an actual party based game within the kingdom you have chronicled! 
  • Making a campaign map would be very easy to do once you had your completed chronicles in hand! 

Worked example: 

Focus: The Kingdom of Ro 

  • The rune covered miners of Ro mine the sacred black rocks of the yellow plains to be carved into huge runes of protection for the camps of the kingdom. 
  • The rune covered, red fur wearing, archer protectors of the camps of the yellow plains use the poison of giant wasps on their arrows. Giving them the name of wasp archers. 
  • The rune tattooist of the kingdom use chemicals taken from the giant wasp hives to imbue the wasp archers with far and perfect vision. 
  • Ancient towers, dripping with vines and vegetation, keep watch over the garden farms of the kingdom. 
World List: 
  1. Kingdom of Ro 
  2. Kingdom of Ro 
  3. Kingdom of Ro 
  4. Kingdom of Lhieg 
  5. Kingdom Malayach 
  6. Kingdom of Rael 
  7. Kingdom of Rius 
  8. The Nameless Kingdom 
Year 1:  

Results: Kingdom of Ro, Spear warrior/Miner/Lake/Queen 

Event: Rune miners, working near the lake of Ro uncovered an underground hive of giant wasps. Their queen was unleashed upon the kingdom, causing much death and destruction until a contingent of brave spear warriors slew her. The hive is now under the control of of the rune tattooist wasp farmers.  

Year 2: 

Results: The Nameless Kingdom, Bonfire/Phoenix/Fog/Destruction 

Event: The fields of the kingdom were set ablaze much of this year, with the arrival of a flock of Bonfire phoenix from the nameless kingdom. Heavy smoke and fog plagued much of the kingdom and the tower gardens suffered much as a result. While the birds were eventually hunted by the wasp archers, many deaths due to famine were endured. 

Year 3:

Results: Kingdom of Ro, Eagle/Warrior/Scarred/Quills 

Event: Quill the scarred, a plains warrior who rode on the back of a giant eagle, put much effort into addressing the hunger across the kingdom - transporting food from still thriving tower gardens to outer camps that had been affected by the fog of the bonfire phoenix. He became a hero of the kingdom. 

Year 4: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Centipede/Giant/Pack/Horde

Event: From the forests of the kingdom of Rael came an invading horde of giant centipede, that both menaced and destroyed outer camps of the plains, but the tower gardens. Quill the Scarred, Hero and eagle riding warrior, lead a band of spear warriors and wasp archers to defeat the centipedes and drive them from the kingdom. 

Year 5: 

Results: Kingdom of Rius, Gate/Tree/Stream/Temple

Event: In exchange for tree seeds from their holy groves, a band of travelling monks from the  mountains of Rius were permitted to found a monastery in Ro. This was the start of the worship of Ori the Boundary, in Ro. Quill the Scarred, devout of Th'n of the plains, did not grant his blessing to the monks. 

Year 6:

Results: The Nameless Kingdom, Volcano/Acid/FireBreathing/Lava

Event:  A mass eruption of the volcanoes of the Nameless Kingdom, resulted in acid rain this year. Many crops were lost and hunger (but not starvation) was widespread. 

Year 7: 

Results: Kingdom of Lhieg, Looter/Knife/Marble/Boils 

Event: A rabble of looters from the Kingdom of Lhieg entered the plains of Ro this year - seemingly wanting to loot any temples they could find. They were hunted from a distance by the wasp archers - led by Quill the scarred. There corpses were burnt due being covered in hideous boils. 

Year 8:

Results: Kingdom of Ro, AnimalSkinTent/Miner/Pool/Golden. 

Event: A rune miner claimed he housed a miracle within his tent. A pool of pure gold that he had uncovered beneath the ground. Quill the scarred visited the tent and confirmed that the miner did indeed have a pool of shimmering, glowing, liquid gold. Followers of both the demons Th'n of the plains and Ori the Boundary claimed the miracle for their god. The miner became rich, asking donations from those who would see his pool. 

Year 9: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Hut/Owl/Earth/Growing 

Event: A solitary druid from the kingdom of Rael visited Ro, travelling in a small wooden hut on the back of a robust giant eagle. He spent several days communing with the miner with the golden pool, then left. 

Year 10: 

Results: Kingdom of Rael, Moth/Bear/RedCap/Stalk 

Event: A monster, assumed to be from the Kingdom of Rael, haunted the camp town housing the miner and his golden pool. The beast was a enormous purple bear, with the dusty wings of a moth, and the head of a repulse red cap mushroom. Sightings were common, reports of severe drowsiness for weeks after encountering the beast. Travelers who had come to see the pool of gold were found dead. Quill the scarred travelled to the town and slew the beast, but interest in the golden pool waned after the haunting. 

Wednesday 18 January 2023

The Kingdom of Lhieg Redux

I recently did a bunch of generators for an imperial demon and their kingdom over here: in preparation for a diceless  dark souls inspired play by post. 

I liked the detail in those generators but was finding the prospect of making a set of them for each kingdom far too daunting. As such I've tweaked the generators and gone for a "universal" approach, where one generator could do the work for stocking any location. 

This "universal" generator has the structure of "Thing + Thing + Descriptor + Descriptor", with the Thing and Descriptor tables being two separate lists.  While this may be a bit messier, I think by still having a relatively sane and straightforward "Stocking" table for areas, the wilder and more conceptual "universal" generator results will be contextually tamed into a something both useful and interesting!

The tables are provided in full here, with an automated "click the buttons to get a thing" generator at the bottom! 

Horgorlie the Unstoppable: The holy sun crab god, a behemoth of man and chitin. His carapace has hardened to anointed bronze and the bronze has formed into the sharpest holy knife spines and razor claws. From a distance he glints and glows in all of glorious holy splendor. When nearby the world becomes darker as his chitin consumes the sunlight. 

He can blind, and curse, devour all magic. His body is ever growing and healing. He can expulse torrents of putrid disease miasma. His claws and spines can cut through the hardest of metals. No door can withstand him. No column can withstand him. 

From the crab mouths that cover his form come endless holy hymns, chanting in many sonorous voices. He only sings, he does not discourse with any being. He cannot be questioned. Only he knows his will and purpose. 

What summons Horgorlie: An excess of shadows, magic or sickness (to consume and dispel), An excess of sunlight (to consume). 

His Kingdom, Lhieg:  An itchingly hot, rocky mud plain. A land of temples and holy men. A land of theives and muggers. All people are honest here, even the criminals - a mugger may kill you for your gold, but he would not lie to you to get it. Worship of the sun permeates every activity and habit. The hot muddy temple towns of Lheig are host to great festivals of wrestling and pugilism - bare chested grappling a form of worship to the holy sun. Crab meat is both staple and delicacy, the only livestock of the mud plain. 

(Fill the _ with letter of choice!) 
Suggested naming conventions for places: _orlie, _org, _orl, Goh_
Suggested naming conventions for people: _eg, _ig, Lho_, Hor_

Overland Stocker:


  1. Mudflat 
  2. Sand dunes 
  3. Mud pools 
  4. Rocky and muddy plain 
  5. Rocky hills 
  6. Rocky plain 


  1. Town 
  2. Dungeon 
  3. Great beast 
  4. Group of beasts 
  5. Npc 
  6. Group of Npc’s
  7. Building 
  8. Resource 
  9. Treasure 
  10. Strangeness 
Town population 

  1. Less than ten 
  2. Tens
  3. About a hundred 
  4. Hundreds 
  5. About a thousand
  6. Thousands 
Town economy 
  1. Starved and empty 
  2. Failing and slowing 
  3. Booming and growing 
  4. Opulent and excessive 
Tame location room stocking 
  1. Empty 
  2. Expected npc 
  3. Unexpected npc 
  4. Group of expected npc’s 
  5. Group of unexpected npc’s
  6. Unexpected beast 
  7. Small supply of a resource 
  8. Abundance of a resource 
  9. Treasure 
  10. Strangeness 
Dangerous place room stocking
  1. Empty 
  2. Expected npc/beast 
  3. Unexpected npc/beast 
  4. Group of expected npc’s/beasts 
  5. Group of unexpected npc’s/beasts 
  6. Great beast 
  7. Unexpected great beast 
  8. Small supply of a resource 
  9. Treasure 
  10. Strangeness 

Simple Mapper: 

Room Size
  1. Tiny
  2. Small
  3. Medium
  4. Big 
  5. Oddly big (roll two shapes and combine) 
  6. Huge 
Room Shape
  1. Square 
  2. Rectangle 
  3. Triangle 
  4. Circle 
  5. Half Circle 
  6. Cross  
Number of Doors, roll a d6 but only Huge rooms have more than four doors. 

Door Type
  1. Open
  2. Open
  3. Open
  4. Locked 
  5. Open and trapped
  6. Locked and trapped 

Generic "power level" table:
  1. Severely weak 
  2. Very weak 
  3. Weak 
  4. Somewhat weak 
  5. Somewhat strong 
  6. Strong 
  7. Very strong 
  8. Severely strong 
  9. Awesomely strong 
  10. Impossibly strong

Universal "thing" generator:

"Thing - thing - descriptor - descriptor"

Thing Table
  1. Temple 
  2. Crab 
  3. Statue 
  4. Column 
  5. Thief
  6. Mugger 
  7. Looter 
  8. Wrestler 
  9. Priest 
  10. King 
  11. Armour smith 
  12. Lock picker
  13. Pick pocketer 
  14. Vine growth 
  15. Robe 
  16. Pilgrim 
  17. Crayfish 
  18. Mudfish 
  19. Clam
  20. Snail 
  21. Bear 
  22. Worm
  23. Cave
  24. Tree
  25. Idol 
  26. Boulder 
  27. Knife 
  28. Vambrace 
  29. Tunic 
  30. Gauntlets 
  1. Mud
  2. Rock 
  3. Heat
  4. Searing  
  5. Sickness
  6. Blinding light 
  7. Ruins 
  8. Shadows 
  9. Purple vine
  10. Columns
  11. Dark stone 
  12. Muscles 
  13. Sun 
  14. Crab shell 
  15. Crab pincer
  16. Plague 
  17. Flame 
  18. Stairs 
  19. Decay 
  20. Rot 
  21. Shimmer 
  22. Glint 
  23. Holy 
  24. Cleansed 
  25. Healing
  26. Cursing 
  27. Worship
  28. Blessing
  29. Underground 
  30. Solar
  31. Glowing 
  32. Slime 
  33. Brass
  34. Prayer 
  35. Hymn  
  36. Magic eating
  37. Magic cleansing 
  38. Burning 
  39. Radiation 
  40. Cosmic 
  41. Spikes 
  42. Blades 
  43. Sunlight 
  44. Bright 
  45. Colossal 
  46. Sand
  47. Marble 
  48. Claw
  49. Boiling
  50. Black pustules 
  51. Contortion 
  52. Armored 
  53. Grappling
  54. Disintegration 
  55. Gold flecked 
  56. Simple 
  57. Bronze
  58. Gold 
  59. Blunt 
  60. Blinding 
  61. Spheroid 
  62. Crawling 
  63. Banishing 
  64. Climbing 
  65. Heavy 
  66. Pragmatic 
  67. Bulky 
  68. Boils 
  69. Sweat 
  70. Tumours 
  71. Yellow
  72. Purple 
  73. Slippers 
  74. Marble 
  75. Ore 
  76. Strong 
  77. Indomitable 
  78. Unstoppable 
  79. Unthinking 
  80. Crab claw 
Thing desire table 
  1. Get to a great height to hunt or worship 
  2. Clean things that have become befouled to make them glint like the sun
  3. Overcome adversary using the sun 
  4. Open things in search of holy sunlight 
  5. Devour things that glint like holy sunlight 
  6. Worship the sun 
  7. Steal items that reflect the glory of the sun 
  8. Smash and destroy foul items that do not reflect the glory of the sun 
  9. Building a tower-like thing to bask in the glory of the sun 
  10. Topple too high structures (physical or otherwise) that do not reflect the glory of the sun
Automated Lhieg Thing Generator: 

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Empyrean Dynasty Game 1, Turn 7, 10 years of Post Earth History!

The seventh turn of my 23-ish players grand sci fi strategy game Empyrean Dynasty is done! Here is the turn report for interest and posterity! 

Go check out the previous posts or the PDF if you are interested in more Empyrean Dynasty: 

Also, go join this blog's Discord server if you are interested in seeing the game unfold/the in character banter from the players!

Turn 7: 32'100 - 32'110 PE: 

And so, 10  years pass in the universe! This is a record of what happened during that time! 

•    As the last episodes of their hugely successful peace propaganda transmission came to an end, a group of revolutionaries were sent out from the quarantine of the STARF cluster on behalf of The Szarstern Union (@The Szarstern Union (GRAN)). The Smiling Heralds unfortunately had little impact in their revolution against oppression and violence - the severe quarantine procedures in place across the universe halting their progress. While the movement was able to establish some cells of operation in less strict planets across the universe, the devastating Arcturus Plague had claimed the lives of all associated with The Smiling Heralds by the end of the decade…

•    Even the endless peaceful brayings of The Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) were able to subdue the march of the Liliang Entomo (@The Liliang Entomo ) in the ongoing  “ Vilofan War”. The Liliang Entomo turned their attention to APEX solutions (@Revenant's Quill) swiftly overcoming their military (severely weakened by the Arcturus Plague) and establishing Entoman martial law across all APEX planets. Over the course of the decade the human populations of APEX planets plunged - the ravishes of the Arcturus Plague unabated and their antperson overlords not quick to offer any additional aid or enforce any quarantine procedures. 

•    Immortal General Ateliotos Zhanshi (default winner of APEX solutions Ultimate Immortal Warrior contest) led cohorts of the Liliang Entomo military in a separate, and successful campaign, against The Hermeya (@Roshlev (Hermeyans)). Once again the Entomo swiftly overcame their adversaries' military (severely weakened by the Arcturus Plague) and established Entoman martial law across all Hermeya planets. Over the course of the decade the human populations of Hermeyan planets continued to plunge - the ravishes of the Arcturus Plague unabated and their antperson overlords not quick to offer any additional aid or enforce any quarantine procedures.

•    Tragedy struck the Liliang Entomo, when their great military leader, Immortal General Ateliotos Zhanshi fell victim to a space traffic accident near port. A freighter ship collided with his onboard quarters while both craft had their shields mysteriously disabled. The immortal warrior was instantly cut into thousand insectoid pieces from the impact, then sucked out into the vacuum of space. While he does still live in an atomised form, his constituent parts have not yet been recovered by the empire to allow him to continue leading them in battle! 

•    While the cohesion of the Liliang Entomo empire remains strong with its on going imperial expansion, a movement amongst the youthful antmen has grown over the decade. Stemming from interactions with the Naurey (@Altchester), colony ship sized, vessel known as “The Ark of Pleasure” that was stationed above the conquered APEX Solutions planet of Meridian, and encouraged by the smiling herald movement from the Szarstern Union (@The Szarstern Union (GRAN)), a powerful subculture forgoing military pursuits in exchange for a life of hedonism and pleasure is ripening across the empire. While the “Liliangs of the Lotus” movement is peaceful and anti conflict, it has been responsible for several large scale revolts, protests and strikes. Military police investigating the headquarters of “Liliangs of the Lotus” often found a surprising amount of military hardware foreign to the empire, alongside large quantities of dust of Magel. 

•    While the great Yishpugnae Empire (@Yishpugnae Clans (Spenser)) had grand plans to join the battles of the ongoing “Vilofan War”, the lingering and miasmic anti war sentiment induced by the  Szarstern Union (@The Szarstern Union (GRAN)) and Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) stopped this from happening. Both the biologicals and digital sentient citizens of Yishpugnae refused to wage war! 

•    The Yishpugnae Empire (@Yishpugnae Clans (Spenser)) was ravaged by internal conflict over the decade, as some enraging digital virus breached through the  Armatrum Shield and caused the digital sentients, both quartz mechs and sentient spacecraft to attack one another! The other plans and plots and machinations of the empire were put on hold as all focus was put into cleansing the empire of what became known as the “Soulwilter” virus. 

•    The organic citizens of the Yishpugnae empire were unaffected by the corrupting “Soulwilter” virus and High Prophet Harlow Redspear, with the collective ideological might of the Statera Synthetica was able to slowly quarantine and cleanse the virus from the empire over the decade. While the threat was neutralized the defensive Armatrum Shield  was left ravaged by the destruction of the digital virus and the digital sentient population of the empire much reduced.

Once the “Soulwilter” menace was cleansed, High Prophet Harlow Redspear, with the collective ideological might of the Statera Synthetica bent his might to cleansing the empire of outside influences - all ancient intergalactic broadcast stations used by The Szarstern Union (@The Szarstern Union (GRAN)) dismantled, and many thousands of singing space whales murdered (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube))! The mobile spider monastries of the Qalb Occulta (@Qalb Occulta (Symbolic City)) across the empire all scuttled into hiding! Alive and operating - but not having an impact on the larger culture of Yishpugnae! 

•    While the great Yishpugnae Empire ideologically pure and free of outside influence, their grand Armatrum Shield was greatly weakened!

•    With their oppressor’s focus elsewhere in other warfronts across the universe, the remaining Sigmaites (@Scarius) spent the decade attempting to break free of their quarantined cathedral bondage - lashing out with small but effective attack forces at the The Liliang Entomo occupying forces that surrounded them (@The Liliang Entomo). While their numbers were too small, and their quarantine procedures too strict, to mount a full assault on the antmen who occupy their home planet of Sigma 6, over the decade the Sigmaites expanded their fortress, besieged society, to occupy an entire continent of their war torn and plague ravaged planet. The Liliang Entomo continue to occupy the rest of the planet and have heavy defenses surrounding the Sigmaite fortress continent. 

•    These expansions were spearheaded by a single, hugely charismatic, devout and quarantine focused Sigmaite leader. They have enfolded the virtue of utter purity and cleanliness within the Sigmaite worship of Olympe.

•     While verified reports are hard to come by, it appears the War King and his Jaraz Commandos from the “Legion Ring” have been conducting raids and attacks on The Liliang Entomo forces on Sigmaite occupied planets. While these have not been enough to free the Sigmaites it has somewhat loosened the antmen’s hold across the SS planets.

•    House von Sacher Sariyah (@House von Sacher Sariyah) spent the decade greatly building up the capacity and ship numbers of both the Bahamut fleet and the  "Ifrit Squadron. Though the command was given several times to fly in battle against the Liliang Entomo and to fight in the ongoing “Vilofan War”, the lingering and miasmic anti war sentiment induced by the  Szarstern Union (@The Szarstern Union (GRAN)) and Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) stopped this from happening.

•    About a quarter of the Jamaexina (@Jamaexina) have become immune to the deadly Arcturus Plague by a extremely resource and time heavy process of rebirth through the heavenly reef cloning facilities. Several years were spent hunting for some sort of genetic marker that would provide immunity to the plague - the only useful genetic information being non mammalian, insectoid genetic data. Once these strands of insectoid genetic data were incorporated within the Jamexina form a slow process of ritually killing citizens, then rebirthing them in new clone bodies was begun. 

•    The Jamaexina have promised that all those faithful to holy Olympe can be reborn this way - and the process has begun to spread through the universe onboard the neo coral cathedral of the faith/clan. 

•    Under the wise guidance of Queen Alexandra CXIV the entirety of the Chatikrate Dynasty (@Chatikrate Dynasty (Arkbrik)) remained uninfected by the foul The Arcturus Plague” on board the Holy Oneiros Cylinder!

•    Remaining devoted to living totally encased in the “Halo of Tears” defensive suits, the people of Ounjẹpupọ Olominira Eniyan (@Ounjẹpupọ Olominira Eniyan) were largely unaffected by the “Arcturus Plague” (or much of the other events of the decade!).

•    While reeling from the loss of Magel 2,  Keepers of Magellan ( @Chatikrate Dynasty (Arkbrik) , @House von Sacher Sariyah, @Jamaexina) - working with the key organizations within the orthodox faith of Olympe, retrofitted many neo-coral craft and cathedrals into massive space based Spice production facilities. Given their expertise and experience with the substance, the clan did a spectacular job of recreating the process in neo-coral craft. Using their navigators knowledge of efficient space lanes the loom catastrophe of mass deaths due to Magel spice withdrawal were offset during the decade in the Olympe orthodoxy faithful regions of the universe. 

•    The poor and unimportant billions of the universe were spared from starvation by the Zhàngtùs Biolōxué / Arcturan Zhivos (@Zhàngtùs Biolōxué (Trent B))! Providing staggering quantities of Bioluxe nutrient polyps for mass export.  Phǎozévhómis I, II, and III were all transformed over the decade into mass farm worlds - able to produce vast quantities of nutrient polyp. Not only is nutrient polyp nutritious, it has healing and restorative powers - imbuing great health and slightly expanded longevity to those who eat it! The death of billions, after the loss of Alburtuqaliu Fylí food producing worlds, was averted!  (Of historical note: Both the Lilliang Entomo and Yispugnae Empires both largely rejected the nutrient polyp - choosing to let a few million of their poor citizens die than face idelogical corruption) 

•    Ignatius Antonius Gladwyne of The Cavalerie Centuriate Clan ( @Cavalerie Centuriate (Amanda P)   ) deployed their culinary abilities and the resources of their clan, to help both increase the palatability of the nutrient polyp, alongside helping transport it throughout the universe to those who needed it most! 

•     Consul Deia Maqead of the Qalb Occulta (@Qalb Occulta (Symbolic City)) (under the watch of Immensus Bubu, the Unctuous One, of the Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) ) devoted their decade to helping the enormous cosmic being known as “River, Son of Mother” grow their own organic interstellar warpdrives. River is now capable of moving itself around the universe! 

•    In all planets outside of the STARF cluster, and Yishpugnae empire, Consul Aman Aeternis reformed, modernized and made fit for mass consumption the Occulta faith! 

•    Across the universe, many were ready for a populist creed of resistance to injustice, and thus they finally turned to the Qalb Occulta in droves. On planets all across the universe, the faithful now flock in their millions to the mobile spider monasteries of the Qalb Occulta, listening to Jellyman prelates lectures and sermons.  These prelates have given the masses rituals and thought exercises to help them become one with the all encompassing flow of the Numinous Substrate. This entranced state of being has help the Occulta maintain their hold on the new faithful! 

•    This new faith has become most problematic within  Liliang Entomo (@The Liliang Entomo) occupied territory. Antman warriors and occupied citizens alike, forgoing the edicts of the ant man warlords in exchange for the words of the jellyman prelates!

•    Immensus Bubu, the Unctuous One, of the Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) (through endless years of conversation) became the guiding father figure tothe   enormous cosmic being known as “River, Son of Mother”. River now sees itself as a member of the Balaenis Elasthera, and respects and admires Immensus Bubu more than any other being in the universe. 

•    The herd of Balaenis Elasthera (@Balaenis Elasthara (wrongtube)) continued their song across the universe, stopping several factions from entering the conflict known as the “Vilofan war”!

•    On behalf of The Cavalerie Centuriate ( @Cavalerie Centuriate (Amanda P)  ), the  Knights of the Flame of Peace’s went on a mass decade long recruitment drive within the STARF cluster - greatly increasing their ranks and fighting capacity and cementing their position as defenders of the cluster.

Saturday 7 January 2023

Horgorlie the Unstoppable and His Kingdom of Lhieg

I recently wrapped up a discord play by post game of Travail Saga. I decided (for reasons that make sense within the game world and its also because its cool) that each of the players remained in the game world and slowly turned into an imperial demon with their own kingdoms. Those demon kingdoms will be the campaign setting for the next discord play by post game (which will be a heavily dark souls inspired diceless game. See: ). Here is the first Horgorlie the Unstoppable! 

(Mid journey art) 

Horgorlie the Unstoppable: The holy sun crab god, a behemoth of man and chitin. His carapace has hardened to anointed bronze and the bronze has formed into the sharpest holy knife spines and razor claws. From a distance he glints and glows in all of glorious holy splendor. When nearby the world becomes darker as his chitin consumes the sunlight. 

He can blind, and curse, devour all magic. His body is ever growing and healing. He can expulse torrents of putrid disease miasma. His claws and spines can cut through the hardest of metals. No door can withstand him. No column can withstand him. 

From the crab mouths that cover his form come endless holy hymns, chanting in many sonorous voices. He only sings, he does not discourse with any being. He cannot be questioned. Only he knows his will and purpose. 

What summons Horgorlie: An excess of shadows, magic or sickness (to consume and dispel), An excess of sunlight (to consume). 

His Kingdom, Lhieg:  An itchingly hot, rocky mud plain. A land of temples and holy men. A land of theives and muggers. All people are honest here, even the criminals - a mugger may kill you for your gold, but he would not lie to you to get it. Worship of the sun permeates every activity and habit. The hot muddy temple towns of Lheig are host to great festivals of wrestling and pugilism - bare chested grappling a form of worship to the holy sun. Crab meat is both staple and delicacy, the only livestock of the mud plain. 

(Fill the _ with letter of choice!) 
Suggested naming conventions for places: _orlie, _org, _orl, Goh_
Suggested naming conventions for people: _eg, _ig, Lho_, Hor_

Random generators for The Kingdom of Lhieg. 
(These are what I will be using to run the game  - I hopefully will be putting them all out in a PDF text format in the future) 

Friday 6 January 2023

Mortomamba (Off brand d6 Necromunda) Rules!

Here is a Necromunda inspired hack of this little d6 skirmish ruleset: 

I've played a few games by post, but it seems it may work better playing it in person/in an online voice session. My focus has moved on a bit from skirmishing so I am sending this out into the ether for when my interest returns/I get a chance to play it in person! 

You may be interested in giving it a go though, so here it is! 

Mortomamba Rules!

Plus, AI art because I have a Mid Journey sub atm: 

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Automated Fantasy World Generators Mega Post

Here is the "spine" post, linking to all the Travail Saga generators I have put together! Should be useful for any one running a fantasy campaign! I am plannng on putting all these out in a pretty little HTML package in the near future - so get them before I charge you for them (don't worry they will just stay on the blog)! Also, some of the "click the buttons" version of the generators are at the bottom of the posts (sorry about that). 

Update: Get all of these generators (and more) in one pretty little package right here: 

Travail Saga Generators: