Monday 11 March 2019

Mapping Infinigrad: Suburb Map Generator.

I've been using my random dungeon visual generator to create suburb maps for a while now (details here: I decided to update this and create a specific suburb map generator.

It's a two table system, one for roads, one for buildings.

Table 1: Roads. 

Connect the pieces you get as you see fit. Add your own artistic flourishes. Generate the road grind of the suburb.

Table 2: Buildings. 

Fill in the blocks you created with the road table with buildings. The doors are a suggestion only, buildings could have more doors/doors on different walls. Combine separate buildings into bigger buildings for high density areas.

You should get something like this:

Stock any suburbs you generate with this table:

Saturday 9 March 2019

Bodification Spellcasting (For Guild Dogs and Others)

A school of magic native to Infinigrad. Access to the school is normally granted through the consumption and digestion of a inherently magical material. Bodification wizards make incredibly useful guild dogs. 

Bodifcation wizards are essentially the Fantastic Four as one person.

Important: Each time a bodification wizard gains access to a new level of spells (getting a spell slot in this new level due to a character level up for example), a randomly determined spell from the previous level spell list is permanently applied to the bodification wizard. The exact effects of this are determined by the GM. 

Lengthen limb: Target set of caster’s own limbs increases in length up to 2 feet per level for 1 hour.
Detach eye: Caster’s eyeballs detach from head and float independently for d6 rounds per level.
Keratin overload: Target’s nails and or hair grows up to a foot per level.
Mould hand: Caster’s own hand can be moulded into any shape, retaining the same amount of mass. Lasts caster level hours.
Shed skin or hair: Caster sheds entirety of current hair or skin. This grows back instantaneously as a colour of caster’s choice.
Elemental hands: Caster can transmogrify their own hands into any element they have experienced damage from. This lasts d6 rounds times caster level.
Enlarge body: Caster increases their own overall mass by 10% per level. Caster can determine the distribution of this new mass. Lasts caster level hours.
Shrink body: Caster decreases their own overall mass by 20% per level. Lasts caster levels hours.  
Exaggerate features: Caster increases a distinct and specific region of their own face by 20% per level, generally accompanied by  biological improvements such an increase would bring. Lasts caster level hours.
Mould body: Caster’s own body can be moulded into any shape, retaining the same amount of mass. Lasts caster level hours.
Empower hands or feet:  STR or CON tests involving own hands or feet (caster chooses at casting) rolled with Double Advantage for d6 x caster level rounds.
Shed limb: Caster painlessly sheds an own limb of choice, it grows back in 10 days minus caster level.
Strengthen limb: STR or CON tests involving own legs and feet or arms and hands (caster chooses at casting) rolled with Double Advantage for d6 x caster level rounds.
Flatten: Caster’s own body mass is flattened out, resembling an inch high pancake. This form can creep along flat and vertical surfaces. Lasts caster level hours.
Fatten: Target’s body is burdened with ungainly fat stores. An additional mass of 20% per caster level of pure lard fills the target’s body for d6 x caster level rounds.
Summon limb: Caster grows a fully functional additional limb of choice on their own body. Lasts caster level hours.
Change visage: Caster warps, transforms and changes own facial features (eyes, fur, teeth, shape, etc). Can change 2 features per caster level, lasts caster level hours.
Change skin: Caster permanently transmogrifies own skin to a material of choice. Must have a handful of said material which is consumed in the casting. Appropriate advantages and disadvantages of the skin applied by the GM.
Mould other: Target’s body can be moulded into any shape, retaining the same amount of mass, by the caster. Lasts half caster level hours. Target must be willing or retrained for this process to be effective.
Limb Morph: Caster transforms own limb of choice into inanimate object of choice. Object must be held during casting, and is consumed in doing so. Transformation lasts until dispelled by caster.
Elemental body:  Caster can transmogrify their own entire body into any element they have experienced damage from. Lasts d6 rounds times caster level.
Detach hand or foot: A target’s specific hand or foot is removed from their body for d6 x casters level rounds. Target still has control of removed appendage. Caster may remove their own hand or foot, having remote control over the appendage for caster level hours.
Harden skin: Increases AC of target’s skin by d6 for d4 x caster  level rounds. Does not stack with armour.
Regrow lost limb: Target painlessly regrows a lost limb that is fully functional.
Multiply body: Caster summons half their level rounded down copies of their self for d4 x caster level rounds. They are in complete control of each copy and can operate each copy in unison.
Full contortion: Caster’s body takes on the aspect of an incredibly durable and flexible rubber like material. They may stretch themselves up to d6 x caster level body lengths in distance and gain caster level bonus to AC.
Summon extraspecial limb:  Caster grows a fully functional additional limb or appendage, alien to their natural body form. This may be a wing, tail, antennae, claw, etc. Caster must be holding a severed example of this limb or appendage which is consumed in the casting. Lasts caster level days.
Creeping form: Caster’s body transforms into thousands of grains of flesh that bubbles along like slime for caster level hours. Even if an abundance of flesh grains are destroyed, as long as one grain still survives the caster will return to their regular form when the spell expires.
Shed sentient limb: Caster sheds own limb to summon an independent homunculus. Caster has full command of the homunculus for caster level days (at which point it withers and dies). homunculus takes on aspect of limb shed and has attributes equal to d8 + caster level.
Liquefy: Caster’s body transforms into a controllable liquid, of a viscousness malleable by the caster. Damage may come to the liquid but as long as one drop still survives the caster will return to their regular form when the spell expires. Lasts caster level hours.
Detach head: Caster’s own head detaches from neck and floats independently for caster level hours.
Full morph: Caster can visually transform their own body into to take on the appearance of something else that they have seen in their lifetime (may require a WIS check to properly recall the form). The spell’s effect is purely visual. The spell does not affect size, so whatever form is chosen will appear as generally the same mass as the caster. Lasts caster level hours.
Gastric laboratory: Caster may reproduce any biological matter they have eaten at least a handful of in their lifetime. This material is regurgitated from their mouth but will be of a clean and pristine condition. Material is produced instantaneously and at a volume equal to caster level stomach fulls.
Absorb ability: Caster may permanently steal an inherent ability from a dead creature. Only a single distinct ability is stolen and the creature must be of a lesser HD than the caster’s level. New ability is finalised with GM. Casting this spell permanently reduce the casters HP by d4.
Gas form: Caster’s body transforms into a controllable cloud of gas. Gas may take on additional properties that have been personally experienced by caster (damage, inebriation, hallucination, etc). The caster is invulnerable (other than damage from flame) in this form, but is somewhat limited in their ability to interact with the physical world. Lasts caster level hours.
Army of 1: Caster summons caster level plus d10 copies of their self for d6 x caster level rounds. They are in complete control of each copy and can operate each copy in unison.
Gastric mine: Caster may reproduce any mineral matter they have eaten at least a spoonful of in their lifetime. This material is regurgitated from their mouth but will be of a clean and pristine condition. Material is produced instantaneously and at a volume equal to caster level handfuls.
Permanent parasite: Caster permanently sacrifices 1hp to summon a parasitic worm from their own flesh. This worm can attempt to install itself within a host (requiring the host to fail a CON test). Once the worm is installed within a host, the caster may freely siphon HP from the host to restore their own current HP pool. The parasitic worm has 1HP and can easily be killed.
Clone self: Caster permanently sacrifices  d6hp to summon a level 1 clone of themselves. This clone has d6 + caster level for all attributes and is under the direct control of the caster. It can grow in experience and levels the same as any other PC.

Army of One.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Alignment dependent "What does the NPC do?" table

When a party member makes a non-trivial request of a NPC roll on the following table. Consult the column appropriate to the alignment of the NPC. 

PC’s may try to change the mind of the NPC by threatening, cajoling, tricking, etc. If this response is reasonable, the PC can do a CHA test. If successful, the NPC result is reduced by one. If a failure, NPC result is increased by one.

Will noisily and gleefully assist party, joined with any cronies at hand.
Will assist party and encourage others to do the same.
Will assist party after getting approval from a superior.
Will assist party as long as upset and disorder are being caused.
Will assist party.
Will assist party as long as no rules are broken in front of them.  
Will deny assistance to party without them first lavishing a gift, or providing a favour.
Needs further encouragement to assist.
Will deny assistance to party but not stop them unless rules are broken in front of them.  
Will agree to assist party, then wait for an inopportune time to spoil their plans.   
Will stop party without some encouragement.
Will deny assistance to party and immediately report the incident to a superior.
Will agree to assist, leave and come back with cronies, intent on stopping party.
Will deny party the request and attempt to stop them.
Will deny assistance to party, and demand they leave the vicinity immediately. Will forcible ensure they leave.
Will attack party (physically or verbally).
Will deny party the request and attempt to stop them, encouraging others to do the same.
Will attempt to capture party and have them be questioned by a superior.

Also, Here is my reaction roll table:

Kind and Helpful - will assist
Friendly and affable - will somewhat assist
Polite and pleasant -  leaning towards assisting depending on PC’s actions
Brusque yet  reasonable - reaction is dependant on PC’s actions
Undecided but calm - reaction is dependant on PC’s actions
Undecided but peeved - leaning towards attacking depending on PC’s actions
Cool, aloof and disinterested - may attack
Rude and impatient - willing to attack
Mocking and deriding - willing to attack
Vicious and spitting - wanting to attack
Threatening and aggressive  - wanting to attack
Bloodthirsty and attacking

This initial reaction may sway the severity of the results of the "What does the NPC do" table.

Additionally, CHA bonus or penalties should apply to this reaction roll table, so those with a +3 CHA bonus will only ever get the reaction of "Mocking and deriding" rather than "Bloodthirsty and attacking" and vice versa.