(A revival, revision and restructuring of this post)
(To be included in this eventual PDF)
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Mutant gorgzu tree |
Field of plunging rock pools hidden by algae or vines.
Thick steam, heavily reducing visibility.
Granite butte erupting clear of the vegetation.
Ragged and derelict collection of wooden huts.
Jagged stone hills, thick with jungle vines and vegetation.
d8 roomed decayed dwarf villa of ornate carved stone.
Cavern like canopy caused by truly enormous trees.
Field of dwarf statues, toppled or still standing, several elephants tall.
Rocky and desolate glade, framed by walls of vegetation.
Entrance to a moss and vine choked cavern with d6 chambers.
Cliffed valley, curtains of vines and a carpet of moss.
Decaying dwarf look out tower, mounted by iron bars, affording a far view.
Valley of spherical boulders held in place by a criss crossing of vines.
Crisscrossed vinerope bridges, at a height halfway to the canopy.
Black watered lake, covered by a film of roiling jungle scum and too large lily pads.
Ravine, dividing the area. 50% chance of rickety vinerope bridge.
Field of vine covered stone, hidden gaps, drops and cliffs that fall to lower cavern below.
Vegetation is grey, black, crumbling like ash and dead. Trees will collapse with ease.
Gaping cave or tunnel, at ground level, houses a shady pocket of dark jungle.
Vines, ferns, fronds so thick and choking as to be solid wall of seething wet greenery.
Insects, d4:
1) Shaded areas infected with fat, glowing grubs.
2) Horde of scuttling hand sized stick-crabs.
3) Infestation of dog sized wood borers, gorged on felled trees.
4) Stalking translucent millipedes, large as snakes.
Birds, d4:
1) Purple plumage, green beak. Man length wingspan. Perches and glares balefully, never moves. Rumbling croak.
2) Indigo plumage, piercing green eyes. Pigeon sized. Hunt as flock and ravenously consume meat to bone. Hiss whistle.
3) Pink, naked ostrich. Man height. Jabbing, razor beak. Cackle warble.
4) Purple plumage, Pink, straw-like beak. Fist sized. Puncture and suck water supplies then flit away. Giggling chirp.
Weather, d4:
1) Thick gloaming clouds cover the sky and bring an unnatural darkness.
2) Oily, black, sludgy rain. Will foul food and water supplies.
3) Crystal clear snap rainstorm. Fresh, invigorating but ultimately dampening.
4) Too thick and breathless, high pressure air that brings pounding headaches.
Empty, d4:
1) Simmering heat, leaves sometimes sizzle and leak.
2) Too large leaves wrap themselves about passerbys.
3) Sweaty dew covered leaves rain when disturbed.
4) Trees collapsing under the weight of their own foliage and invading vines.
Distant noises, d4:
1) Intoned ghostly dwarf mining chants.
2) Hearty chuckling, coming from the trees above, just out of sight.
3) Utter and suspicious silence, no noise of insects, wind, rustling, birds, etc.
4) Melodious bird song in all directions.
Foul miasma, d4:
1) Shimmering orange gas. Desiccates, dries and cracks the skin.
2) Low to the ground tendrils of indigo smog. Brings sloth and disarray to internal organs.
3) Slow swirling twisters of white smoke. Steals the air from lungs.
4) Greasy, prismatic, wet vapour cloud. Brings horrific jungle dreams.
Fruit/Flowers, d4 types:
1) Melon sized putrid green passion fruit. Tasteless. Gives the feeling of floating for a day (due to not being able to feel legs).
2) Shining and reflective grey grapes. Bitter. Warms the body.
3) Fat orange tomatoes. Implode into formless goop when touched.
4) Deep purple bananas, erupting from small bushes growing from animal corpses. Sweet and smooth. Feels too heavy in the gut.
Animals, d4:
1) An ambulatory mushroom vaguely in the shape of a turtle. More turtleshrooms erupting from its shellback. Obviously shambles forward spreading spores.
2) Giant ocelot, playing gleefully with the head of a jungle dwarf. Once bored or hangry: prowls, stalks and licks lips from upper branches.
3) Pink and naked, burrowing mole ape. An abundance of loamy collapsing tunnels are nearby.
4) Six legged and spidery tree bear. Terrified and timid. Will moan hauntingly from a distance.
Treasure, d6:
1) Axe + 1, Skeletal pig design.
2) Bejeweled mining pick, 1000gp.
3) Fine cloak, the colour of blood, never fades or tears, 100gp.
4) Shield + 1, spiked (can be used as a weapon).
5) Blood red gem, 500gp.
6) Milky white potion of skin calcification (+1 CON, -1 DEX).
Held in, d6:
1) Stone box covered in wax, overgrown with vines.
2) Leather sack, nailed high up to stone or tree.
3) Glinting bird nest, with other gaudy and shining refuse.
4) Soggy and moss encrusted hidey hole.
5) Slimey and wet stone chest.
6) A misshapen and unhealthy looking pale mushroom that has grown around object.
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