Saturday 5 February 2022

Empyrean Dynasty Game 1, Turn 3, Another 10'000 years of Post Earth History!

The third turn of my 23 players grand sci fi strategy game Empyrean Dynasty is done! Here is the turn report for interest and posterity! 

Go check out the previous posts or the PDF if you are interested in more Empyrean Dynasty: 

Also, go join this blog's Discord server if you are interested in seeing the game unfold/the in character banter from the players!

Turn 3, 20'000 - 30'000 PE: 

And so 10’000 years pass in the universe! This is a record of what happened during that time!

  • For most of the last 10’000 years the enormous, half finished, ships of the grand Alburtuqaliu Fylí (@zeruhur) colony fleet lay rotting in the ship yards of Juzur Mushajara! The rot of The Rawaqi Philosophy, was left to grow within the clan and the workers of the universe, completely debilitating the clan. The Alburtuqaliu Fylíwas barely able to fend off mass starvation through the policing efforts of the War King and the clan’s Marine Mercenaries! Exports of food and workers from the clan slowed to trickle throughout the universe.
    • Even with the efforts of the Grand leader Raaniya el-Baccus, the colony fleet was unable to leave the home system of Juzur Mushajara!
    • Following the words of the Ancient Prophet Aristeidis el-Harroun, The Rawaqi philosophical movement spread and grew throughout the deca millennium. Factory monasteries filled with skeletal monks - content with total non action, were to be found in industrial regions across the universe. 
    • The Starving Rawaqi Monks - were able to live century long lives of endless inaction. These lives of inaction made even longer through easy access to endless life extending Bioloxue Biobrew (@Trent B). Though rare, there was some instances of younger Rawaqi Monks dying after taking up the Bioloxue Biobrew only diet - often found frozen in poses of meditation - their hearts suddenly stopped for no discernible reason. Again, the historians remark on how rare this occurrence was. 

  • This deca millenium, the historically secretive Legion (@Joshinken), sent delegations to several other intergalactic organisations. Those that interacted with the members of the corporations noticed its members all have cybenetic implants installed in their heads, wires, pulsing lights, metal sheets, dials, receivers and input plugs. The members of Legion were also noted for their single mindedness, all of its members having incredibly similar personalities, voices, desires, etc - often groups of delegates would speak all in unnerving unison. 

    • The corporation successfully completed two major projects over the 10’00 years: 

    • The “Spears of Life” project: Launchable, automated terraforming devices! 

    • The “Continued Consciousness Hive Mind” project: An advancement of the cybernetic hive mind technology that all Legion members have installed in their skulls at birth - Continued Consciousness allows a single consciousness from the hive mind to continue its existence indefinitely through the cybernetic implants - essentially removing any biological identity inherent in a flesh body and replacing it with the cybernetic identity of the Continued Consciousness. As well as granting theoretical, cybernetic immortality, the project also allowed a single consciousness to control several flesh bodies at once. 

    • Though a colony of Arcturus Bloodline (@ceaselessCarbine) refugees, escaping the ongoing civil war in the Arcturus Dominion, were accepted by Legion it was not successful. The first generation found the oppressively uniform Legion society confronting, and future generation were induced into the cybernetic hive mind early in their lives - the accompanying cybernetic indoctrination making the descendants of the refugees indiscernible from the rest of Legion society.

  • The holy and devout Sigmaites Clan (@Scarius) continued their starward expansion - sending out more colony fleets to populate the planets of the universe for the glory of Queen Olympe, mother of the universe! 

    • Unfortunately their efforts were hampered by the universe wide food and labour shortage stemming from the ongoing Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur)! This lead to only a measly two planets being colonised and populated in the deca millennium:

    • SS4: A world of towering green mountains, with rich deposits of interstellar fuel beneath the surface! 

    • SS5: A luscious world of thick green forests! 

  • The two ever intertwining clans of Jamaexina (@xaosseed) and House von Sacher Sariyah (@fjav) clans worked together over the deca millennium on the successful neo-coral ark project, the Great Heavenly Reef! Enormous, moon sized neo-coral structures capable of housing and transporting billions of lives through the vacuum of space! Within the arks were endless changing and permutating different biospheres! 

    • It is reported that many delegates from the Legion corporation (@Joshinken) visited the neo-coral space docks during the construction of these arks. 

    • Further, it is alleged that the arks contained within massive sphere chambers devoted to the cloning of key  Jamaexina  and House von Sacher Sariyah individuals. The, alleged, technology is, allegedly, remarkably similar to APEX Solution’s (@Revenant's Quill) immortality technology!   

    • As the great Great Heavenly Reef (the name for neo-coral ark fleet), drifted through the stars, en route to the The Space Sea of Lail, the oceans of Bilaltam Ya began to die, as did the caverns of Aiza-Zwei begun to rot. One hundred years later, to the day, both great home worlds of the Jamaexina and House Von Sacher Sariyah were putrified, befouled, miasmatic spheres of death. 

    • Billions of organisms, sentient and otherwise, were slowly corrupted and killed by the rotting process of the planets. Eventually, a single breath of the blackened air of those two planets brought death in mere moments. A great tragedy for the universe! 

    • The two clans lived on in the Great Heavenly Reef , protected by the Bahamut fleet - the reef arriving at the Space Sea of Lail late in the deca millennium - what they found there is not known by the public record.

  • Not content with the crude and primitive living conditions of planets, the Chatikrate Dynasty (@arkbrik) designed and launched the universe’s first Holy Oneiros Cylinder!  A massive artificial living structure - designed to be one of the most industrial productive places in existence! Wrought in crystal and designed in the most elaborate and impressive organic gothic stylings, The Holy Oneiros Cylinder of Olympe is a wonder of the universe! 

    • The clan had grand plans to launch a cylinder in every system under the control of the Chatikrate Dynasty, but the ongoing food and labour shortages throughout the deca-millennium caused by the ongoing Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur) hampered this! As such - only one cylinder was able to be produced and launched in the last 10’000 years! 

  • Reviving their research from 10'000 years ago APEX Solutions (@Revenant's Quill) successfully completed their ancient immortality program! Through the biological sciences and selective breeding, the corporation was able to produce humans who could, theoretically, live forever (immune now to old age, not misadventure and disease). 

    • The program was incredibly expensive, largely draining the corporations near empty accounts! As the bickering warlords in Arcturus Dominion civil wars (@ceaselessCarbine) were the biggest (and nearly only) customers of APEX's dated weapons - the corporation became very low on funds during the deca millennium ! 

    • So far only a handful of individuals have been gifted immortality within the corporation, widespread use of the program is so far beyond the capacity of APEX's resources! 

    • APEX'S coffers begun to refill at the end of the deca millennium - licensing out their immortality program to other organisations for exorbitant fees! 

  • And so, after 20’000 years, The Tranchierqlim (@jimble) re-joined intergalactic civilisation! Finally emerging from the kaleidoscopic biospheres beneath the waves of Ozesitala, a small delegation from the corporation traveled across the stars to the Henshin Lab’s (@sageDaMage) world of SH8! 

    • On the surface of SH8, the treasure of The Tranchierqlim was revealed to the universe! Crystal worms, the size of skyscrapers, were unleashed from the ships of the Tranchierqlim  and these promptly burrowed beneath the surface of the volcanic planet. In a few short years the world of SH8 - once a smokey, fiery, planet of endless volcanic ranges - was transformed into a clean, clear, fertile, world of endless super productive grasslands! Woods filled with fresh fruits covered the once magama covered mountainsides! The worms of Ozesitala terraformed the planet in a never before seen speed! Only a few years to transform a planet! The worms kept the largest of volcanoes active on SH8 - this grand old volcano continued to produce the pink gems that SH8 is famed for, at an even greater abundance than when the entire planet was covered in volcanoes! Such wonder! 

    • The glorious worms of Ozesitala returned to the ships of the Tranchierqlim and then were transported back to their homeworld! Once there, the worms and their handlers returned beneath the waves of their mysterious planets - again withdrawn from the greater intergalactic society - but leaving them with the message the services of the glorious worms of Ozesitala were available for hire!

  • In the first few thousand years of the deca millennium, the men of The Fraterni Renunti, Clan (@wrongtube), had dramatically increased in size - the average height of the clan becoming 12 feet. And they continued to grow, eventually becoming too tall to walk, resorting to crawling, and eventually, their mass too large to walk apon the land in any form - they took to the waters of Ognos. Half way through the deca millennium and the entire Fraterni Renunti was water bound - living in natural water bodies or in massive vegeatitive tanks formed by their grown architecture. 

    • The Fraterni Renunti had somehow transformed themselves, through their advanced methods of genetic manipulation and biological sciences, into spindly whale sized beings, masses of flowing, flower-like fins cascading from their forms. Soft, floating, undulating, massive and unable to leave the water. 

    • Delegations from other interstellar organizations would meet with the Fraterni Renunti at the banks of their tanks - the massive aquatic beings sing-songing melodiously from the bluegreen water of lake sized vegetative globe homes.

    • Slowly Over the remaining 5000 years of the deca millennium the water and the air was sucked from the globes - the vegetative architecture eventually hermetically sealing groups of Fraterni Renunti in massive vacuum pods. 

    • The Fraterni Renunti grew and changed and became increasingly diffused and enormous. By the end of the deca millennium they had grown to roughly the size of a city block, sentient colonies of flesh tubing and gills and fins and eyes and feather-like sense organs! 

    • They had changed, but they could survive the vacuum and fly of their own violation through space! And so they floated free of Ognos! Leaving behind their totally pristine planet as if they had never been there! Long lived, enormous, renu milk coursing through their veins and able to summon city growing seeds of vegetative architecture through their own digestive functions! 

  • The wide spread, but largely shunned Cult of Qalb Occulta (@symbolic city) continued to be ubiquitous but ignored by the peoples of the universe at large - its rituals and beliefs, again, for another 10’000 years remaining too obscure and esoteric for the masses!

    • Although little is known of the inner workings of the organization, a large doctrinal difference emerged from the cult - the so called “Maqead Neo” a movement vehemently opposed to the concept of “homeworlds”. The members of the Qalb Occulta becoming even more nomadic over the last deca millennium and declaring themselves the patron saints of the universes homeless and refugees. 

    • The Qalb Occulta adopted the use of Arcturan Zhivos' Biobrew (@Trent B) (The infinitely cheaper alternative to the life extending spice of Magel), even using their universe-wide monasteries to help fuel the production of the brew. 

    • Rich and powerful individuals of the universe, from the ranks of its many intergalactic organizations, are still, slanderously, accused of being secret devotees of the Qalb Occulta, and now Maqead Neo, faith - an accusation that is always vehemently denied.

  • The society of the Yishpugnae Clan (@finnice) saw great change over the deca millennium!Beginning with the accidental discovery of sentient programming within the data systems of the clan, these “Artificial Intelligences” gained co-citizenship and personhood within the Yishpugnae Clan! 

    • The sentient programming, after their discovery, demanded from their flesh based peers to be placed in mechanical bodies so they could interact with the physical world. Brought to mystic fervor and religious awe by the discovery of this digital form of life, the technicians and engineers of the clan complied - creating metallic bodies using the wondrous ores of ZY1. Each robotic being was crowned with the craggy pink quartz processors of ZY2.

    • It was assumed by the mystics and prophets of Zhulorum, that the sentient programs were, in fact, the fractured soul of the planet ZY2 - caught in the super computing pink quartz processors of that planet. Because of this theological agreement, it was totally acceptable to grant the newly mechanical bodied sentient programs personhood and citizenship within the Yishpugnae Clan.

    • The prophetic insights of the Vapours of Zhulorum were coupled with the analytical powers of the sentient programs, perhaps making the Yishpugnae Clan the most farsighted organisation in the universe….(Their secret and withdrawn nature makes this hard to know for sure). 

    •  Celertatrum, a sentient program who rose to prominence in Yishpugnaenian society during the deca millennium, spear headed the “Sentient Fleet” initiative - building a fleet of spacecraft designed as receptacles for sentient programs. These ships were essentially living beings, with personhood and citizenship. The, precise and brilliant digital minds of the sentient programs, coupled with the intuitive and insightful flesh minds of the Zhulorum mystics lead to the creation of fastest ships in the universe!

  • Emboldened and heartened by the last 10,000 years of successes the Ounjẹpupọ Olominira Eniyan (@gendernihilist) continued their colonization of the stars! Though still clad in black  - the histories can report that for the first time in 20’000 years smiles began appearing on the faces of the members of the corporation! Three new colonies were successfully colonized and populated: 

    • IO4: A world of dark red forests! Beneath the planet's dim canopies, giant, non poisonous and herbivore spiders exist - through their webs these produce the most luscious silk in the universe in great abundance! 

    • IO5: A grassy world of rolling purple hills! Producing an abundance of wheat like food crops! 

    • IO6: A world of warm, orange seas! Geothermal vents beneath the oceans here are an ample source of energy! 

    • As food shortages beset the rest of the universe due to the Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur), the food production capabilities and the nutrient rich kelp forests of IO2 kept the Ounjẹpupọ Olominira Eniyan very well fed throughout the deca millennium. So well fed that the organisation was able to export food to their nearby interstellar neighbors in the Arcturus dominion (@ceaselessCarbine). These exports kept starvation out of the other wise civil war beleaguered dominion! 

    • Unfortunately sadness returned to the people of the  Ounjẹpupọ Olominira Eniyan at the close of the deca millennium. About a 100 years ago the first reports of rot stench on the homeworld of IgboIgbo-KijiKiji begun, foul odours emanating from the rivers and jungles. One hundred years later, today, the planet has become a putrified, befouled, miasmatic sphere of death. 

  • Billions of organisms, sentient and otherwise, were slowly corrupted and killed by the rotting process of the planets. Eventually, a single breath of the blackened air of the planets brought death in mere moments. A great tragedy for the universe!

  • The Hermeya Clan’s (@roshlev) holy mission of human colonization and terraforming as many worlds as possible continued this deca millenium! Their work was unfortunately somewhat hampered by the food and labour shortages caused by the Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur). Regardless of this, five new worlds were colonised and then heavily populated by the clan: 

    • SY6: A world of orange deserts, dotted with natural crystalline structures that bring much mental calm! 

    • SY7: A world of yellow rolling hills, stalked by huge, horned, feline beasts! 

    • SY8: A world of rivers and volcanic ranges, rife with a mineral spice that makes all meals beyond delicious. 

    • SY9: A world of flat, pink, crystalline plains, famed for its views of the passing cosmos! 

    • SY10: A world of white quartz mountains, whose climate breeds extreme hardiness in all that live there! 

    • Helping their mission was the invention of the “Hermeya Diet” - a cocktail of life extending pharmaceuticals concotted by a leader of the clan during the time period. This mix of pharmaceutical chemicals gathered from all of the Hermeya claimed worlds extended the lifespan of all clan members to at least 200 years at a bare minimum (often much, much longer if said clan members also indulged in the Spice of Magel and/or BiolōxuéBioBrew ). 

    • Tragedy did befall the clan half way through the deca millennium when the grass plains of Silenna, their home world, began to blacken and putrify. One hundred years later the planet had become a putrified, befouled, miasmatic sphere of death. 

    • Billions of organisms, sentient and otherwise (including a sizeable colony of  Arcturan Zhivos  (@Trent B)) , were slowly corrupted and killed by the rotting process of the planets. Eventually, a single breath of the blackened air of the planets brought death in mere moments. A great tragedy for the universe!

  • Unrest reigned in the The Szarstern Union (@gran), and by extension the STARF cluster, over the deca millennium! The unrest was brought on by a combination of three things:  Food and labour shortages caused by the Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur), and the banning of the narcotic “The Spice of Magel” within the planets of the STARF cluster (@arkbik, @fjav, @xaosseed)

    • Most pressing was general revolt caused by the banning of The Spice of Magel, a substance vital for the worshippers of the Queen Olympe, Mother of The Universe! The faithful were unwilling to to cease using the spice in their rituals and the ban caused much unrest, violence and revolt! 

    • Even after the ban was put in place and enforced, for thousands of years the substance continued to be found within the STARF cluster - clearly caused by the efforts of an elaborate smuggling operation supported by the Church of Olympe (@arkbik, @fjav, @xaosseed)

    • Even after the creation and of the Arcturan Zhivos' Biobrew (@Trent B), the substance was not initially accepted by the church, adherents of the Olympe faith unwilling to adopt the “dirty Biolōxué sludge” into their rituals when a supply of the, perceived, superior spice of Magel was still, illegally, available! 

    • As the deca mellenium continued, and The Szarstern Union continued their ban on the spice of Magel - as well as strengthening their space borders, changes begun within the Church of Olympe. Eventually a new church was formed within the STARF cluster, The Reform Church of Olympe! This new offshoot of the faith banned the use of the spice of magel in its rituals and adopted the use of Arcturan Zhivos' Biobrew (@Trent B). Although tensions and unrest within the STARF cluster have died down at the end of the deca millenium, the reform church has not spread far beyond the planets of the cluster. The only other place in the universe that the Reform Church of Olympe operates is in the Arcturus Dominion (@ceaselessCarbine). Throughout the rest of the universe the original Church of Olympe, and its use of the Spice of Magel is the most prominent and popular faith. 

    • The adherents of the Reform church of Olympe and the Orthdox church of Olympe are in no way friendly to one another - the reform church referred to as “The Cult of the Rot Sludge” by the orthodox and the orthodox referred to as “The Cult of the Outsiders” by the reform….

    • At the end of the deca millennium The Szarstern Union finally completed a defensive system for their STARF cluster, “The Sphere of Stone”! This was an gargantuan sphere of space asteroids and general space debris around the entirety of the the STARF cluster. This sphere, though rudimentary sounding, stops any outsiders from using warpdrives to enter the cluster without permission. Attempting to using warpdrives through the sphere would cause instant annihilation as the ship was ripped apart by chunks of space stone at warp speed! To enter the cluster, permission must be sought and granted by the Szarstern Union who would use their rocketry technology to open a gate in the sphere of stone to allow passage! 

    • With the competition of the sphere of stone the smuggling of the spice of magel into the STARF cluster finally ceased! 

    • Any other plans theThe Szarstern Union had for the deca millennium, such as moving new planets into the cluster, were not completed due to the chaotic nature of the last 10’000 years! 

  • Outside of the STARF Cluster (@gran) and the Arcturus Dominion (@ceaselessCarbine ), the Orthodox Church of Olympe continued to be the dominant religion of the universe! Further, the Orthodox Church of Olympe was utterly devoted to the use of the spice of magel in its rituals ( (@arkbik, @fjav, @xaosseed) )! 

    • One particularly fervent Orthodox Church of Olympe Bishop (a co-member, and leader within the Keepers of Magellan), lead the faithful on a crusade against the “dirty Biolōxué biobrew” (@trent B)! The bishop’s efforts ensured that  the Spice of Magel was maintained as the only narcotic used in the Orthodox church’s rituals! This impassioned bishop also ensured continued and expanded devotion to the Orthodox Church of Olympe throughout the Universe! 

    • The burning passion within the Bishop, and their hatred of the Biobrew and its associated Bioluxe has led to a rather virulent strain of racism against the Arcturan Zhivos (@Trent B) existing within the faithful of the Orthodox Church of Olympe! 

    • After 30’000 years the Keepers of Magellan were utter masters at the production of the spice of Magel, and its ubiquitous use in the most popular religion in the universe maintained them as one of the wealthiest intergalactic organisation in existence! Additionally the spice continued to improve in efficacy - now lengthening users lives to an average of 300 years (the deadly withdrawals associated with the spice remain)!

  • The uber wealthy Naurey Corporation (@Altchester) was unaffected by the food and labour shortages affecting the rest of the universe - its fully automated industry of  Monteer Apisri Invict protecting it from such petty privations. Further, the corporation's homeworld continued to be the premier destination for the universe’s rich, powerful and famous. The passing of the deca millennium in no way diminished the burning brightness and attractiveness of the pleasure planet Monteer Apisri Invict! 

    • Deploying their automated industry to do so the Naurey Corporation constructed, then gifted a fleet of specially made craft to the The Cavalerie Centuriate Clan (@middlecyclone)! These craft, used by the Knights of the Flame of Peace of the clan were the most luxurious and comfortable the universe had ever seen! Flying resorts, filled with huge chambers for pleasure and leisure! This fleet was well used by the Knights as they spread peace throughout the universe - the amenities and facilities perfect for inducing relaxation and calm in delegates who boarded the ships for peace talks!

  • The mono-people of Zhandou Albayanat Clan (@NondairyGiant) spread out amongst the organisations of the universe - offering their much needed services as computing and data engineers and operators! Their technicians were in great demand over the deca millennium, filling the roles left empty by the absent  Juzur workers who had joined the non-productive Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur)!  The computing workers of the Zhandou Albayanat Clan were very skilled and proficient but socially withdrawn and mentally absent outside of their professions (choosing to work in total silence the majority of the time). 

    • The employment of Zhandou Albayanat technicians throughout the universe greatly increased the financial security of the clan - the fact that clan continued to inhabit the most spartan and bare of habitations (their home planet of Heidong barely changed over the last 10’000 years) ensured this financial security.

The Arcturan Zhivos  (@Trent B) spent the deca millenium concocting, producing and distributing their Spice of Magel alternative - the Bioloxue Biobrew! The biobrew extended human life to an average of 200 years! The severe withdrawals of the spice of Magel  (@arkbik, @fjav, @xaosseed)  were not associated with the use of the Bioloxue narcotic, but the depravities of old age would claim those souls who stopped using the brew after the first 100 years of their natural lives - generally leading to them dying of natural causes within the year. As previously documented, the Biowbrew was shunned by the Orthodox Church of Olympe, but incorporated into the rituals of the Reform Church of Olympe at the close of the deca millennium.

  • The Cavalerie Centuriate Clan (@middlecyclone), a continuing bastion of culture and education throughout the universe, established their noble peace keeping force, The Knights of the Flame of Peace! The knights had a busy deca millennium, mostly keeping mass starvation at bay throughout the universe (due to the Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur) through the transportation of food supplies. Additionally, the Knights were a civilizing force for the universe, spreading the culture of neo-chivalry, alongside knowledge of advanced agriculture, civics and economics!

    • The Knights of the Flame of Peaces most crowning achievement of the deca millennium was the “Ursi Peace Accords” - bringing an end to the 20’000 year long Arcturus civil war! Peace was restored within the Arcturus dominion, the competing warlords agreeing to unite under the rulership of the bloodline of the Martyr King, Whose Throne Shall Remain Empty!(@ceaselessCarbine) !

  • Several thousands years into the deca millennium, as the endless civil war raged on in the Arcturus Dominion (@ceaselessCarbine) raged, one Bear Fort Warlord, seeking to redeem his people’s honor mounted an assault on the The Liliang Entomo homeworld of  Polejia! Although the assault was a near suicidal failure, the small but powerful force of bear mech warriors unable to withstand the endless hordes of the deadly ant people fighters,  it was agreed later by the Arcturus warlords that the warlord who lead the assault was, without doubt, a long lost descendant of Grand Emperor Maisarch! 

    • Disturbing reports from the “Glorious and Doomed March on Polejia” disseminated throughout the universe after the battle, reports that the brave warriors of Arcturus succumbed to something else other than ant man blades. Miasmic and deadly diseases seemed to spread very quickly through the human warriors who landed on Polejia, doubly ensuring the never in doubt victory of the ant men….

    • Coupled with the peace talks spearheaded by the Knights of The Flame of Peace (@middlecyclone), the actions of the doomed warlord who led the assault on Polejia lead to the ceasefire and ultimate ending of the Arcturus Dominion civil war! Recognized as the true heir to Emperor Maisarch’s throne, the warlord was named, “The Martyr King”, and the throne of the Arcturus Bloodline was kept ceremoniously empty in his honor. A council of warlords, led by the bloodline of the The Martyr King, now ruled the re-united clan!

  • Besieged by labour and food shortages (See: The Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur), the expansion efforts of The Black Room Clan (@Local Cryptid) were only mildly effective - creating colonies on three new planets: YT1, YT2, and YT3. 

    • Unfortunately, generally about a 100 years after colonization all three of these planets turned to rot. All of these planet became putrified, befouled, miasmatic spheres of death. 

    • Billions of organisms, sentient and otherwise, were slowly corrupted and killed by the rotting process of the planets. Eventually, a single breath of the blackened air of the planets brought death in mere moments. A great tragedy for the universe!

    • The same process occurred to the Black Room Clan other planet, including their home world of Y.

    • Near destroyed, the remaining members of the clan retreated to colonies on the on the planets belonging to the Legion corporation (@Joshinken). By the end of the deca millennium Black Room Clan settlements on Legion worlds were well populated - but their own planets all remained sphere of decay and death!

Unfortunately Henshin Labs (@SageDaMage) was greatly impacted by the food and labour shortages brought on by The Rawaqi philosophical movement (@zeruhur), this lead to them not completing any major projects of note through out the last 10’000 years! Their ships were seen far and wide across the universe though - conducting many trades, negotiations, and experiments with a wide range of intergalactic organisations!

  • Though their homeworld was attacked by an Arcturus Warlord (@ceaselessCarbine), the outward march of the many limbed Liliang Entomo (@papyrus1 ) did not continue this deca millennium! It is unknown what took place within their breeding pits and warrens of over the last 10’000 years! 

    • Maqead Regum, the world that the Liliang Entomo seized through bloodshed from the Qalb Occulta (@symbolic city ), befell a similar fate as a number of worlds over the last deca millennium. It began to rot and  100 years later it had become a putrified, befouled, miasmatic sphere of death. 

    • Millions of ant men were slowly corrupted and killed by the rotting process of the planets. Eventually, a single breath of the blackened air of the planets brought death in mere moments. Many millions of ant men escaped the planet dying process, fleeing back to Polejia - where overcrowding had become an issue for the Clan by the end of the deca millennium.


  1. "Though still clad in black - the histories can report that for the first time in 20’000 years smiles began appearing on the faces of the members of the corporation!"

    I hereby declare these nerds to be my galactic empire sports team.

    1. Haha, yeah I am a fan of them too! Shame about their home world :(

    2. In retrospect it is good they've got all these colonies to fall back on. Perhaps this metaphorical burning of their ships will prompt them to ever-bolder explorations of the galaxy!
