Here is a 5 player free for all battle run using my FKR Skirmish "Ruleset":
Its using a bunch of units, spells and systems from my planned post apocalyptic skirmish setting "Waste Krieg" (which I have the basics of all written, and the PDF half done - I just got distracted and never ended up finishing it and putting it out!).
I even have a bunch of "digital minis" that you can see in action here.
Turn 1:
Turn 2: • Two booming explosions of gun fire pierce the desert silence!
• The snipers of the windeater band open fire at the giant at the front of Gluggors high!
• The giant moans out in pain! As a single bullet explodes the bottom of its leg! It crumples to the ground – living but reduced to crawling and bleeding profusely!
As the shots ring out three hidden units from the remnant of Asmunder appear from ambush and attempt to shove the snipers and deputy leader of the windeater band into the nearby pit!
• The shielding and sneakers all push and shove and jostle one of the windeater snipers!
• The sniper is overcome and thrown down into the pit of doom! Never to be seen again!
• With a kicking up of a huge mass of sand Carriongist the deputy leader of the windeater band causes himself and the remaining sniper to disappear!
• Papermage Origami, wizard of the windeater band, throws a handful of scraps of paper at the nearby melee units! Those units begin to shimmer and visually vibrate!
• Suddenly…there are even more wizards!
• One of the many wizards summons a magical barrier! It looks relatively impermeable and strong!
• Another wizard gesticulates most arcaneley…but nothing happens!
• The Wizard Gluggor the tall conducts a ritual that results in one of his giants increasing in size! He now towers over the nearby giants! A behemoth!
• With a prayer to the stars above the curate of Blue sends a curse of bad luck to the Remnant of Asmundur! Most foul!
• The giants of Gluggor take cover behind the rock!
• Except for the giant missing half a leg, they roll around, moaning in pain, on the sand! Their wasteling attendant tries to calm and sooth them!
• In the North West corner of the map Blue and The Remnant of Asmundur re-form their frontline units!
• The Blue wastelings charge south! With the frontline troops of the Remnant of Asmundur prepared to receive the charge!
• The Blue wastelings crash into the Warriors of Asmundur!
• The wastelings hack with their blades! A flurry of blows! The warriors put up a might defence but one of them is overcome and another is heavily wounded! Focusing all their efforts on defending the front two warriors of Asmundur do not damage the attacking wastelings!
• The shielding and warrior of Asmundur attack the charging wastlings!
• One wastling receives a minor wound – but is instantly healed from the Blue Curates behind the front line!
• Another wasteling has his head removed in one fell slice! He is dead!
• Hungermaw, leader of the wind eater warband, bellows his units into a charge at the northern wizards! "We are one with the dry desert wind and we are thirsty for blood!"
• The wizards barely have moment to step out from the rocks and receive the charge and the magically swift Wind eater band is upon them!
• The frontline hungermaw wastelings begun hacking at the wizards…but their blades go straight through them! What type of sorcery is this!
• As the wind eater wastelings fight phantom wizards, one of the rear wizards casts a spell on one of his comrades! The comrade wizard looks invigorated!
• The envigorated wizard steps forward and unleashes a great gout of flame at both the phantom wizards and the wind eater wastelings!
• The phantom wizards evaporate into nothingness!
• Four of the wind eater wastling are incinerated instantly!
• The remaining two wastlings are rather singed!
• Undeterred by the terrifying flame the magically swiftened melee units of the wind eater war band continue their charge!
• They are on top of the non-phantom wizards! They shall be attacking them in the next moment!
• Carriongist and his raven sniper re-appear on top of the north east rock!
Turn 3:
• Carriongist and his raven sniper open fire haphazardly at the Asmunder sneakers and shielding! Unleashing bullets quickly without barely aiming!
• The sniper is too slow firing to keep the units held in place, but Carriongist shoots a decent amount of bullets towards the trio, slowing their movement as they duck for cover!
• The three units slowly make their way towards the cover of the rock!
• The wizard Oragami of the windeater band throws more tatters of paper over the front line melee units as they charge the wizards!
• Their charge increases even more in speed!
• The melee units of the windeater band shimmer with speed as they charge the wizards!
• Nisreal the wizard barely has enough time to send an inky black spell towards the eyes of the charging melee units!
• The front charging units are blinded!
• Regardless – they continue their accelerated charge!
• Propelled forward by speed magic the blinded slashers and sawers smash into the front three wizards before they can cast another spell! Their robes are no match for the blades and the charging units have sense enough to swing their massive weapons in the directions they were already charging!
• One wizard is cleaved in half by a giant sword! Another is dismembered by a chainsaw!
• The wizards Marcato and Nis’real are slain!
• The other two blinded units miss their attack but the final warrior stabs a wizard before any else happens! Wounding but not killing him!
• The wounded Requis manages to dismiss his previous barrier and summon a protective bubble around the remaining wizards!
• Beneath the bubbles the wizards seem to move with a unnatural speed! Flames flicker too! A man of flame appears in fast forward beneath the bubble!
• Grains of sand are blown softly in the wind…
• The Blue commander and his giants disappear from view with a plume of sand!

• Gluggor the wizard approaches the fallen giant – his biggest giant and attendant in tow. “Fret not! Strength comes!”, He proclaims as he beings some foul ritual involving candles spices, and blood!
• Gluggor’s remaining giants are mounted by their attendandts and the three large men climb easily over the rocks!
• One of the attendants falls in the process – bloodily smashing and wounding his face beneath his mask on the rocks!
• The giants watch the fighting between the Remnants of Asmundur and Blue, cheering them on in mortal combat! One of the giants proclaims, “We help winner! Winner strong!”
• Hungermaw opens fire at the barrier with the flames and the wizards behind it! But his bullets bounce off! Tiny, tiny, tiny cracks appear on the barrier – but no one seems them!
• The cursed remnant of Asmunder rolls forward, grabbing Blue watlings with its tenatcles and pulling it beneath its bulk!
• Two wastlings are crushed to death!
• Four of the wastlings hack and stab at the giant tentacle ball! Slightly wounded it!
• The melee units of the remnants of asmunder hack and stab at the wastlings!
• One is slain!
• Another two are wounded (and nearly killed) but our brought back to vigour by the curates behind the front line curing the wastlings with prayers!
• The leader of blue and his three giants appears behind the fighting! They will be able to attack in the next moment!
• Gluggor, through foul flesh magics, fuses the injured and the big giant together!
• The abomination raises from the ground – its smaller head vomiting blood!
• As it rises, growing in mass Gluggor and the wastling attendants scream, "GROW MAGNIFICENTLY! "
• The giants of blue stride forward and slash with their enormous blades at the remnant of asmundur and his accompanying battle musician!
• An arm is sliced straight from the sonic blaster’s body! A huge spray of blood as he falls into the sand screaming and then dead!
• The cursed remnant is hacked viciously by the blue giants! Chunks of tendrils go flying in the air! Huge chunks of the tangle sphere are now bleeding holes! A most vicious attack but the remnant is not yet dead!
• The blue commander opens fire at the asmundur warriors to the north of him!
• A warrior of asmundur receives a bullet in his leg! He crumples forward in the sand, injured but alive!
• The remnant of asmundur attempts to open up its bloody tentacles and reveal something glorious and seductive to the blue giants…but its tentacles are injured and inoperative at this time…nothing happens!
• From a suddenly and suspiciously formed dust cloud comes the loud booming gun shot of a rifle!
• One of the Blue curates is slain!

• One of the wizards of Arknon drops the protective barrier bubble around them!
• The onslaught from the windeater band is….stopped, and their wizard, Origami, peppers scraps of paper over the wizards and they begin to shimmer much like the wind eater melee units (but not as much!)
• The wizards of Arknon charge West led by a man of flame!
• Carriongist and his raven blink in and out of existence – moving north west!
• Gluggor wafts healing magic over his enormous abomination! It stops vomiting blood from its smaller head!
• The wounded wastling of Gluggor’s High moves back, “THE REMNANT IS STRONG”, he screams!
• With that the other wastling’s yell at the nearby blue giants, "CHANGE SIDES! GIANTS! JOIN US!”
• The two uninjured Gluggor’s High wastelings open fire with their pistol at the nearby blue commander!
• 1 hits! Putting a bullet in his leg! He stares with rage at the foul wastelings!
• The wounded wasteling attempts to fix the bleeding beneath his helmet! He takes his helmet off and ends up just rubbing warm sand in the wound! The wasteling is useless at first aid! His sight is somewhat worse!
• Two blue wastlings hack to death the crumpled warrior of asmundur – who had been shot in the leg moments earlier!
• In response, the surviving warriors of Asmundur slice their blades at the blue wastlings! Another two are slain!
• The three giants of gluggor’s high stride forward and smash their enormous blades into the blue waste commander!
• The blue waste commander is reduced to a dead pile of butchered meat!
• The creepers of asmundur creep towards cover..and take it!
• Gluggor the wizard moves West!
• The abominations wasteling’s attendants yell at the abomination, "Go!! You beautiful beautiful angel!".
• The giant abomination strides North East! His attendants are unable to keep up!
• The windeater band also moves east!
Turn 5:
• As Gruggor’s wasteling attendants head north east, one is sucked beneath the sands suddenly! The sound of fast mechanical whirring! PHLOMMPHHH! He is ripped down and cut in half by a fan trap! Devildry!
• Shimmering with speed, the wizards of Arknon charge across the sands! Avoiding the dust storm!
• As Gluggor the wizard begins to move east the boom of a sniper shot rings out!
• His head is removed in a gout of blood in the burning desert sun!
• He is dead! Slain by a sniper of the wind eater band!
• Red sparks of magic come from within the dust cloud!
• And then, the boom of sniper file!
• Another curate is slain! Blasted in the head with a bullet! By a sniper of Asmundur!
• The surviving blue curate curses a warrior of asmundur!
• The melee units of the wind eater band charge across the sands! Their commander and wizard trailing behind! Burnt wastlings even further behind!
• The melee units of the wind eater band are still greatly increased in speed and some are still magically semi-blinded!
• The great pink boulder that is the remnant of asmundur, ponderously attempts to turn and roll in the opposite direction – towards the blue giants!
• As it begins to roll the giants and the wastelings of blue hack at it with blades!
• Cursed and already damaged the great boulder is barely able to start rolling before the giants cleave great chunks of its flesh away!
• Behind them, the wastelings stab at individual tentacles, damaging them greatly!
• The once great remnant of asmundur has been reduced to a small ball of tentacles –Whatever the remnant actually is…it is close to death!
• After a moments hesitation after the death of their glorious leader the wastlings attendants urge the giants to attack the blue giants!
• Slightly disorientated after the tragedy, the giants are slow to act but…they manage to easily hack one of the blues giants to death!
• With much yelling and shouting the remaining wasteling attendant manages to get the giant abomination to attack the wind eater band wastelings!
• The weak and burnt creatures are swiftly crushed and cut to death by the giant!
• Such horror and majesty!
• Carrriongist of the windeater band charges forward…and begins rummaging in the sand! What is he doing?!
• The creepers of asmundur move west! Watching in horror as their god tentacle ball is reduced to a pile of barely living mush!
• The warriors of asmunudur attack the foul wastelings that dare stab their god ball of tentacles!
• The cursed warrior misses!
But the shielding ling cleaves an arm off a wasteling! Killing it!
Turn 6: • One of the wizards of Arknon sends a very powerful spell towards the wastelings in the south! The wastelings are overcome with pain! The fall to the sands, writhing and shrieking and screaming endlessly!
• Three gouts of flame are sent from the wizards of Arknon to the units fighting to their West! The wastelings and warriors of Asmundur are all burnt to ash! Several giants are severely burnt – they are close to death and weakened!
• The flame elemental wraps its flaemous body around one of the burnt giants of gluggor’s high! The weakened and pre burnt giant is reduced to a large charred corpse!
• Carriongist and his sniper of the windeater band disappear and re-appear in the safety of the top of the nearby rocks!
• Three booming shots ring out! The rifles of the remnants of asmundur fire! Hungermaw receives a bullet in the stomach and his head! He is slain! The leader of the wind eater band is dead!
• His wizard receives a bullet in the arm! He is bleeding profusely onto the desert sand!
• The wizard of the windeater band stumbles into the cover of the magical dust storm!
• The melee group of the wind eater band easily hacks to death the last Blue Curate! The magical blindness also fades from the group’s eyes! They can see again!
• Enraged with grief at the loss of its glorious leader and creator, the giant abomination strides towards the sneakers of Asmundur! Several enormous sword blows later and a sneaker and a shieldling of Asmundur have been smash crush slashed to death!
• In the shade and cover of the nearby giant rock, the wasteling attendant cheers on its abomination champion!
• The dying and damage remnant of asmundur weakly reaches out its remaining tentacles hold the burnt and damage Blue giant in place!
• The glorious innocent being at the bottom of that tangle of giant, killer tentacles is briefly revealed!
• The being revealed is hacked to death by the non burnt blue giant with its brutal sword! The giant screams as it slays the remnant, “WE DIE TOGETHER!”.
• The remnant of Asmundur is slain!
• The two pink red giants of Gluggor’s high take the opportunity to stab the Blue burnt giant in the back as it is held in place by the dying tentacles of the remnant of Asmundur!
• As they murder the giants of Gluggor’s high chant, “Strength in resolve! STRENGTH IN RESOLVE!”
Turn 7:
• The flame elemental of Arknon wraps itself around a giant of gluggor! Burning its flesh to a blackened crisp – but not killing it!
• The wizards of Arknon, losing their shimmer of magical speed, step forward and unleash three massive torrent of flame at the giants to their south!
• The pre-charred giant of gluggor turns to ash! Dead!
• The other two are severely burnt, their skin blackened and cracking!
• The blue giant is able to push through his injuries but the last “normal” giant of gluggor collapses – his injuries too severe for him to act. He collapses in the sand gasping for life as he slowly cooks from his burns!
• In the magical dust storm, the wizard of asmundur gets the sniper of asmundur to lay down in the sand. The wizard begins chanting, and moving his hands over the body of the sniper. Small pink tentacles begin to grow from the sniper’s body…what sorcery is this?! The ritual continues…
• The wizard, Origami, of the wind eater band waves her hands as the flatten beyond the scope of normal physics. She has flattened herself and slivered into the nearby rocks!
• Carriongist, the new leader of the wind eater band, drops a circle of swift spinning blades from the rocks he is perched upon.
• These fall down, the rocks and land perfectly on top of the wastling attendant of gluggor! His head is promptly shredded into mince meat! He is dead!
• The sniper of the wind eater band fires a shot at one of the heads of the giant abomination!
• BOOM! The bullet rips through the abominations shoulder! Missing either of its heads!
• The two members of the wind eater band move back up the rock they are on top of!
• The last giant of blue, burnt and charred, stumbles forward and hacks at a wizard of Arknon!
• He runs his massive blade through the unarmoured wizard! Killing him!
• Wizard Requis is slain!
• His body wracked with burns and pain, the giant falls over after he delievers the deadly blow to the wizard. The pain, the burns, the loss of his comrades is too much…he dies!
• Blue! Has been eliminated!
• The giant abomination of gluggor stomps forward and attempts to smash the wind eater units perched atop the nearby rocks!
• Though the units have scurried back as far as they can – they are not out of reach of his giant blades! With an ungodly swiftness the sniper is skewered on a massive blade!
• And then discarded on the sand! Dead!
• All three wasteling attendants overcome the shuddering pain that was filling their bodies!
• As they stand the sneaker of Asmundur walks towards them, “Do you need a my gun friends? My god and leader has left this realm and I am alone in this wasteland!”
• The wastelings open fire with their pistols in response!
• Two bullets pierce the sneaker! It drops to the ground, bleeding to death and sends a bullet back towards the wastelings!
• The sneaker misses completely and lays in the sand…bleeding to death.
• Their magical speed fading, the melee units of the wind eater band stride into the magical dust storm! They walk straight into the wizard and sniper of Asmundur as they conduct their ritual! Distracted, prone and unarmoured – the pair is no match for the blades of the wind eaters! They are slain near instantly!
• The magical dust storm disappears with the passing of the wizard!
• With the wizard and sniper dead, and their final sneaker slowly dying, incapacitated in the sands of the wasteland, The Remnant of Asmundur is defeated and no more!
Turn 8:
• The magically flattened Origami attempts to fold themselves into near nothingness…but is unable to summon and harness the magical energies to do so. Perhaps if she waits a moment she can attempt this feat again?!
• The flame elemental surges east!
• The wizards of Arknon move towards the wastlings of gluggor, preparing to cast spells!
• The wastelings charge towards the wizards, pistols pointed at them.
• POP! POP! POP! The wastelings open fire with their pistols! All firing with the fury at the loss of their leader! “Death! Death! Death!” they chant!
• Leo the wizard is filled with bullets and drops to the ground dead! A bullet in his torso, leg and head!
• Arknon blasts the incoming wastelings with a wave of flame!
• Theodrin, perhaps feeling exhausted from the battle – is unable to summon any magical energy and does not cast a spell!
• Both of the wastelings are burnt to ash!
• The severely burnt, dying, cracked and ash covered giant of gluggor manages to stagger to its feet!
• Their speeds matched Carriongist attempts to blink away from the behemoth of gluggor!
• Just as he disappears from view the sword of the behemoth smashes down on Carriongist and the rock! Carriongists arm is removed!
• Carriongist blinks back into view nearby! His arm removed and bleeding to death!
• Seething at the loss of his prey, the behemoth stares intently across the battlefield at the remaining wizards of Arknon!
• With the cry of, “I SUMMON THE WIND OF CARNAGE!” , Splatterorar – chainsaw warrior of the wind eater band – leads the melee units in a charge against the remaining wizards of Arknon!
• Utter carnage and gore erupts!
• The wizards are hacked to pieces by the blades, giant and mechanised of the wind eater band!
• The wizards are no more than lifeless chunks of meat across the battlefield!
Turn 9:
• Origami, the wizard of the wind eater band, again tries to cast a spell…but fails!
• Carriongist, blood spewing from the stump that was his arm manages to remain conscious for another moment!
• Carriongist drops to his knee and begins firing his pistol at the Behemoth of gluggor!
• As he fires he screams with the last of his remaining strength, ‘COME FINISH WHAT YOU STARTED BEAST!”, attempting to goad and taunt the giant!
• A bullet right int the gut of the behemoth gets its attention!
• But, with a monumental mental effort, the behemoth manages to ignore the taunts! It furrows its brows and stops slowly west, staring very intently at the melee units of the wind eater band!
• The giant is stomping very clearly and menacingly towards the wind eater band!
• Though their leader is gone, the melee units are not yet terrified of the stomping behemoth.
• Their unit is still whole, they are undamaged, they have slain every foe they have engaged. They are as strong as the blood gale! They do not flee from the stomping behemoth!
• The injured wasteling remains steadfast on the battlefield!
• He fires his pistol at the approaching wind eaters!
• The shot fires into the armoured belly of a wind eater warrior! The warrior is briefly winded but not severely injured!
• The weakened and burnt giant of gluggor drops his blade and charges at the melee units of the wind eater band!
• Weakened, burnt and exhausted the giant is barely able to bump up against the melee units! He does not have the strength to throw even one of them into the nearby pit!
• No match for the undefeated wind eater melee crew, the legs of the burnt giant are chopped out from under them, then they are swiftly beheaded! Their cooked flesh slumps unto the thirsty sands!
Final turn:
• Carriongist rips his belt off his waist and manages to tourniquet the stump that was his arm!
• The bleeding stops!
• The wizard of the wind eater band, Origami, throws at spell at the behemoth marching towards her!
• The behemoth feels some of their strength sapped from them, a malingering weakness!
• Not that the spell did much use for Origami…
• The behemoth stomps forward and removes his leg with a single swing of its giant blade!
• Origami quickly bleeds to death in the thirst sands of the desert! Dead!
• As he murders Origami, the melee force of the much diminished wind eater band, charge the weakened Behemoth!
• Splatteroar, chainsaw warrior, leads the charge, “Rip the sinews of the damn beast! He does not even wear socks!"
• The band crashes into the back of the giant!
• Narrowing in on the unsocked area of the giant’s leg, splatterroar cuts the behemoth at the ankle! Weakened, the behemoth drops to its knees!
• The two slashers, with their enormous blades, attack the giant! One misses, but the other sinks his blade into the belly of the giant!
• The remaining three wind eater warriors hack at the giant, only one causing a notable wound!
• On his knees, the behemoth of gluggor fights back!
• With one swipe of his giant sword he cleaves in half a slasher! The slasher’s giant blade stays impaled in the giant!
• Unafraid, the melee band of the wind eater band continue the onslaught!
• Splatterroar removes an arm from the giant!
• Another massive wound is caused by the surviving slasher, another massive hole in the bely of the giant!
• Hacking at its legs, the warriors of the wind band further wound the now dying giant!
• Weakened from sorcery and wounds, the behemoth is barely able to raise one of its sword arms to swing! It just manages to raise its heavy blade, but uselessly flails it without hitting an enemy target!
• Splatterroar removes another arm with his chainsaw!
• A slasher removes his massive sword from the giant’s gut, then buries it in his chest.
• The warriors all stab into the gut and abdomen of the giant!
• The behemoth begins choking on its own blood!
• The behemoth topples backwards, in a massive gout of blood!
• It collapses, dead!
• Rest in pieces, great behemoth of gluggor! First and last of its kind!
• The last wasteling attendant of gluggor had been watching, first in exaltation, then horror as his glorious giant was so hacked to death!
• He begins backing away, making to flee the battlefield when…BOOM!
• Carriongist puts a bullet in In the wasteling’s head!
• The windeater band is victorious!
• Their leader and wizard is gone, but they have two new heroes on this day – both Carriongist and Splatterroar. They will rebuild and recruit and retrain! The desert will learn to fear the primacy of the wind eater band!
ReplyDeleteNice! Did you run this one on Discord? I've been experimenting with this FKR wargaming ruleset which is basically FUDGE-on-a-chart:
My teen playtesters weren't enamored of it, but your Discord group might be. And I have Fantasy Paperboys now...
Yes on discord. Thanks for sharing the ruleset, I shall check it out!