Wednesday 20 July 2022

Baroque Science Fantasy God Generator (Part 2: Voice and Personality)

 Here are some additional tables for this: 

You have encountered a god?! What do they say and how do they say it?! (Roll below) 

Personality/What do they say?! 

  1. Always assuming the best of mortals 
  2. Must always be correct and have the last word
  3. Constantly revealing secrets 
  4. Very content with the universe as it is 
  5. Vapid and near mindless 
  6. Constantly talking about their glories from the past 
  7. Refer to themselves in the third person 
  8. Constantly repeating a list of their powers and duties
  9. Incredibly falsely modest and self depreciating 
  10. Pretends to not see mortals and speaks as if they are not there 
  11. Obsessed with spreading their sphere of influence any way possible 
  12. Showers mortals with endless false praise 
  13. Constantly speaks in hypotheticals and possibilities
  14. Refers to the workings of their power like bodily functions 
  15. Always repeats itself and what mortals say to it 
  16. Constantly asserts that any thing good in the mortals life is because of them 
  17. Takes every opportunity to intone the rules and laws they impose on mortals 
  18. Very easily distracted by things passing in the reality nearby the mortal addressed 
  19. Frequently reminds mortals how they are vassal and beholden to them 
  20. Over boasts endlessly beyond the limits of their actual power 
  21. Threatens to eat/consume mortal if their will is not followed or questioned  
  22. Ever providing soft encouragement to pitiful mortals 
  23. Oscillates violently from venomously belligerent to loving 
  24. Often threatens to engulf mortals with a burning of their power 
  25. Often threatens to turn to rubble mortals whole civilisation 
  26. Promises to always interfere in mortal's life from afar for good/ill 
  27. Tells every mortal they encounter that they are their next great prophet 
  28. Threatens calamities constantly to all mortals 
  29. Constantly suggests the horrific things that are within their power to do 
  30. Refers to mortals as their children and treats them lovingly such 
  31. Bemoans constantly that their power is faltering and failing 
  32. Is jealous and desirous of mortal’s presence within the physical realm 
  33. Constantly assures mortals they they have its blessing 
  34. Speaks of nothing but their own power 
  35. Regails mortals endlessly of their past glories 
  36. Assures mortals of the pain and suffering they will cause them 
  37. Often describes incredibly specific ways in which they will torture mortals 
  38. Sadly recounts the loss of mortals from the past who followed and worshiped them 
  39. Complains endlessly that their powers are failing, and when they do reality will fail 
  40. Meekly explains that they find mortals terrifying 

Communication method/How do they say it?!

  1. A jolly spoken voice 
  2. A booming and commanding spoken voice 
  3. A clear voice that emanates from all nearby light sources 
  4. A soft voice within the listener’s mind   
  5. A whispering voice that blocks out all other sound 
  6. A whispering, barely audible spoken voice 
  7. A whisper that emits from the blowing wind
  8. A voice like cracking thunder that booms from the clouds or beneath the ground 
  9. Tiny written words that appear in the palm of a mortal’s hand 
  10. Written words that fill the vision of the mortal who is being addressed 
  11. Written words that appear in the air, formed of snaking, tendrillic vapor 
  12. Written words that appear on nearby surfaces, formed of writhing, living, vines 
  13. A clean, clear voice that emanates from a free floating 
  14. An excruciatingly loud voice that booms within the mortal's mind
  15. Words written in blood that forms into letters on the ground and walls 
  16. A clear spoken voice that always emanates behind the head of mortals 
  17. A burbling voice that emits from any nearby body of water 
  18. Written words that are formed from indentations dug from the earth 
  19. A hissing voice that deafens the mortal listener for several hours afterwards 
  20. A spoken voice that sounds like thunder and holds the mortal listener rigid, in place 
  21. A whispered voice emitted from flying beetles that hover near ears of mortal listeners
  22. A hoarse, bleating voice emitted through some accompanying mammalian beast 
  23. A soothing lullaby of a voice that wafts, with soothing scent, from flowers 
  24. A spoken voice that modulates wildly in tone and volume
  25.  Written words that form in shapes of flame 
  26. A hissing whisper that sizzles from ancient ruins and moldering wrecks 
  27. The god takes control of the mortal being addressed arm to write written messages 
  28. The mortal being addressed just knows the message of the god, instantly and viscerally 
  29. A voice that screams from an enormous, dripping, maw that appears in the ground 
  30. A spoken voice so loud, the mortal is deafened for a day after hearing it 
  31. A spoken, disembodied voice, that swirls around the body of the mortal addressed
  32. A pitiful, cracking and soft spoken voice 
  33. A spoken voice that booms from beneath the ground 
  34. Written words that appear gouged in nearby natural stone 
  35. Written words appearing on pages of books and scrolls that were once empty 
  36. Encloses addressed mortal in a sphere of many whispered voices that only they can hear 
  37. Words written in blood that drip across nearby flat surfaces 
  38. Words written in snapped, bloody bones arranged in dark corners 
  39. Words written in swirling shadows 
  40. Moaned spoken words uttered from the corpses of the recently deceased 



  1. Really excellent pair of tables - great work!

    1. Thank you! Btw, "Semiurge" is a great name haha.
